
[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / zlib / index.txt

     zlib -- Low-level access to GNU zlib compression library
     .. module:: zlib
         :synopsis: Low-level access to GNU zlib compression library
     :Purpose: Low-level access to GNU zlib compression library
     :Python Version: 2.5 and later
     The :mod:`zlib` module provides a lower-level interface to many of the
     functions in the :mod:`zlib` compression library from GNU.
     Working with Data in Memory
     The simplest way to work with :mod:`zlib` requires holding all of the
     data to be compressed or decompressed in memory, and then using
     :func:`compress()` and :func:`decompress()`.
     .. include:: zlib_memory.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'zlib_memory.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python zlib_memory.py
     	Original     : 26 This is the original text.
     	Compressed   : 32 789c0bc9c82c5600a2928c5485fca2ccf4ccbcc41c8592d48a123d007f2f097e
     	Decompressed : 26 This is the original text.
     .. {{{end}}}
     Notice that for short text, the compressed version can be longer.
     While the actual results depend on the input data, for short bits of
     text it is interesting to observe the compression overhead.
     .. include:: zlib_lengths.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'zlib_lengths.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python zlib_lengths.py
     	      len(data)  len(compressed)
     	---------------  ---------------
     	              0                8 *
     	             26               32 *
     	             52               35 
     	             78               35 
     	            104               36 
     	            130               36 
     	            156               36 
     	            182               36 
     	            208               36 
     	            234               36 
     	            260               36 
     	            286               36 
     	            312               37 
     	            338               37 
     	            364               38 
     	            390               38 
     	            416               38 
     	            442               38 
     	            468               38 
     	            494               38 
     .. {{{end}}}
     Working with Streams
     The in-memory approach has obvious drawbacks that make it impractical
     for real-world use cases.  The alternative is to use :class:`Compress`
     and :class:`Decompress` objects to manipulate streams of data, so that
     the entire data set does not have to fit into memory.
     The simple server below responds to requests consisting of filenames
     by writing a compressed version of the file to the socket used to
     communicate with the client.  It has some artificial chunking in place
     to illustrate the buffering behavior that happens when the data passed
     to :func:`compress()` or :func:`decompress()` doesn't result in a
     complete block of compressed or uncompressed output.
     .. warning::
         This server has obvious security implications.  Do not run it on a
         system on the open internet or in any environment where security
         might be an issue.
     .. include:: zlib_server.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'zlib_server.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python zlib_server.py
     	Client: Contacting server on
     	Client: sending filename: "lorem.txt"
     	Server: client asked for: "lorem.txt"
     	Server: RAW "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec
     	Server: SENDING "7801"
     	Server: RAW "egestas, enim et consectetuer ullamcorper, lectus ligula rutrum "
     	Server: BUFFERING
     	Server: RAW "leo, a
     	elementum elit tortor eu quam. Duis tincidunt nisi ut ant"
     	Server: BUFFERING
     	Server: RAW "e. Nulla
     	facilisi. Sed tristique eros eu libero. Pellentesque ve"
     	Server: BUFFERING
     	Server: RAW "l arcu. Vivamus
     	purus orci, iaculis ac, suscipit sit amet, pulvi"
     	Server: BUFFERING
     	Server: RAW "nar eu,
     	lacus. Praesent placerat tortor sed nisl. Nunc blandit d"
     	Server: BUFFERING
     	Server: RAW "iam egestas
     	dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus "
     	Server: BUFFERING
     	Server: RAW "et netus et
     	malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam viverra f"
     	Server: BUFFERING
     	Server: RAW "ringilla
     	leo. Nulla feugiat augue eleifend nulla. Vivamus mauris"
     	Server: BUFFERING
     	Server: RAW ". Vivamus sed
     	mauris in nibh placerat egestas. Suspendisse poten"
     	Server: BUFFERING
     	Server: RAW "ti. Mauris massa. Ut
     	eget velit auctor tortor blandit sollicitud"
     	Server: BUFFERING
     	Server: RAW "in. Suspendisse imperdiet
     	Server: BUFFERING
     	Server: FLUSHING "5592418edb300c45f73e050f60f80e05ba6c8b0245bb676426c382923c22e9f3f70bc94c1ac00b9b963eff7fe4b73ea4921e9e95f66e7d906b105789954a6f2e"
     	Server: FLUSHING "25245206f1ae877ad17623318d8dbef62665919b78b0af244d2b49bc5e4a33aea58f43c64a06ad7432bda5318d8c819e267d255ec4a44a0b14a638451f784892"
     	Server: FLUSHING "de932b7aa53a85b6a27bb6a0a6ae94b0d94236fa31bb2c572e6aa86ff44b768aa11efa9e4232ba4f21d30b5e37fa2966e8243e7f9e62c4a3e4467ff4e49abe1c"
     	Server: FLUSHING "39e0b18fa22b299784247159c913d90f587be239d24e6d3c6dae8be1ac437db038e4e94041067f467198826d9b765ba18b71dba1b62b23f29de1b227dcbff87b"
     	Server: FLUSHING "e38b065252ede3a2ffa5428f3b4d106f181022c652d9c49377a62b06387d53e4c0d43e3a6cf4c500052d4f3d650c1c1c18a84e7e18c403255d256f0aeb9cb709"
     	Server: FLUSHING "d044afd2607f72fe24459513909fdf480807b346da90f5f2f684f04888d9a41fd05277a1a3074821f2f7fbadcaeed0ff1d73a962ce666e6296b9098f85f8c0e6"
     	Server: FLUSHING "dd4c8b46eeda5e45b562d776058dbfe9d1b7e51f6f370ea5"
     	Client: READ "78015592418edb300c45f73e050f60f80e05ba6c8b0245bb676426c382923c22e9f3f70bc94c1ac00b9b963eff7fe4b73ea4921e9e95f66e7d906b105789954a"
     	Client: DECOMPRESSED "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, c"
     	Client: READ "6f2e25245206f1ae877ad17623318d8dbef62665919b78b0af244d2b49bc5e4a33aea58f43c64a06ad7432bda5318d8c819e267d255ec4a44a0b14a638451f78"
     	Client: DECOMPRESSED "onsectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec
     	egestas, enim et consectetuer ullamcorper, lectus ligula rutrum leo, a
     	elementum elit tor"
     	Client: READ "4892de932b7aa53a85b6a27bb6a0a6ae94b0d94236fa31bb2c572e6aa86ff44b768aa11efa9e4232ba4f21d30b5e37fa2966e8243e7f9e62c4a3e4467ff4e49a"
     	Client: DECOMPRESSED "tor eu quam. Duis tincidunt nisi ut ante. Nulla
     	facilisi. Sed tristique eros eu libero. Pellentesque vel arcu. Vivamu"
     	Client: READ "be1c39e0b18fa22b299784247159c913d90f587be239d24e6d3c6dae8be1ac437db038e4e94041067f467198826d9b765ba18b71dba1b62b23f29de1b227dcbf"
     	Client: DECOMPRESSED "s
     	purus orci, iaculis ac, suscipit sit amet, pulvinar eu,
     	lacus. Praesent placerat tortor sed nisl. Nunc blandit diam egestas
     	dui. "
     	Client: READ "f87be38b065252ede3a2ffa5428f3b4d106f181022c652d9c49377a62b06387d53e4c0d43e3a6cf4c500052d4f3d650c1c1c18a84e7e18c403255d256f0aeb9c"
     	Client: DECOMPRESSED "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
     	malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam viverra fringilla
     	leo. Nulla feugiat au"
     	Client: READ "b709d044afd2607f72fe24459513909fdf480807b346da90f5f2f684f04888d9a41fd05277a1a3074821f2f7fbadcaeed0ff1d73a962ce666e6296b9098f85f8"
     	Client: DECOMPRESSED "gue eleifend nulla. Vivamus mauris. Vivamus sed
     	mauris in nibh placerat egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris massa. Ut
     	eget velit auctor tortor "
     	Client: READ "c0e6dd4c8b46eeda5e45b562d776058dbfe9d1b7e51f6f370ea5"
     	Client: DECOMPRESSED "blandit sollicitudin. Suspendisse imperdiet
     	Client: response matches file contents: True
     .. {{{end}}}
     Mixed Content Streams
     The :class:`Decompress` class returned by :func:`decompressobj()` can
     also be used in situations where compressed and uncompressed data is
     mixed together.  After decompressing all of the data, the
     *unused_data* attribute contains any data not used.
     .. include:: zlib_mixed.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'zlib_mixed.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python zlib_mixed.py
     	Decompressed matches lorem: True
     	Unused data matches lorem : True
     .. {{{end}}}
     In addition to compression and decompression functions, :mod:`zlib`
     includes two functions for computing checksums of data,
     :func:`adler32()` and :func:`crc32()`.  Neither checksum is billed as
     cryptographically secure, and they are only intended for use for data
     integrity verification.
     Both functions take the same arguments, a string of data and an
     optional value to be used as a starting point for the checksum.  They
     return a 32-bit signed integer value which can also be passed back on
     subsequent calls as a new starting point argument to produce a
     *running* checksum.
     .. include:: zlib_checksums.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'zlib_checksums.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python zlib_checksums.py
     	Adler32:   1865879205
     	       :    118955337
     	CRC-32 :   1878123957
     	       :  -1940264325
     .. {{{end}}}
     The Adler32 algorithm is said to be faster than a standard CRC, but I
     found it to be slower in my own tests.
     .. include:: zlib_checksum_tests.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'zlib_checksum_tests.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python zlib_checksum_tests.py
     	Adler32, separate:	37.38 usec/pass
     	Adler32, running:	7.05 usec/pass
     	CRC-32, separate:	10.19 usec/pass
     	CRC-32, running:	10.33 usec/pass
     .. {{{end}}}
     .. seealso::
         `zlib <http://docs.python.org/library/zlib.html>`_
             The standard library documentation for this module.
             The gzip module includes a higher level (file-based) interface to the zlib library.
             Home page for zlib library.
             Complete zlib documentation.
             The bz2 module provides a similar interface to the bzip2 compression library.

[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / zlib / index.txt

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