
[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / pkgutil / index.txt

      pkgutil -- Package Utilities
     .. module:: pkgutil
         :synopsis: Package utilities
     :Purpose: Add to the module search path for a specific package and work with resources included in a package.
     :Python Version: 2.3 and later
     The :mod:`pkgutil` module includes functions for working with Python
     packages.  :func:`extend_path` changes the import path for sub-modules
     of the package, and :func:`get_data` provides access to file resources
     distributed with the package.
     Package Import Paths
     The :func:`extend_path` function is used to modify the search path for
     modules in a given package to include other directories in
     :ref:`sys.path <sys-path>`. This can be used to override installed
     versions of packages with development versions, or to combine
     platform-specific and shared modules into a single package namespace.
     The most common way to call :func:`extend_path` is by adding these two
     lines to the ``__init__.py`` inside the packag:
         import pkgutil
         __path__ = pkgutil.extend_path(__path__, __name__)
     :func:`extend_path` scans ``sys.path`` for directories that include a
     subdirectory named for the package given as the second argument.  The
     list of directories is combined with the path value passed as the
     first argument and returned as a single list, suitable for use as the
     package import path.
     An example package called :mod:`demopkg` includes these files:
         $ find demopkg1 -name '*.py'
     ``demopkg1/__init__.py`` contains:
     .. include:: demopkg1/__init__.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     The :command:`print` statements shows the search path before and after
     it is modified, to highlight the difference.
     And an ``extension`` directory, with add-on features for
     :mod:`demopkg`, contains
         $ find extension -name '*.py'
     A simple test program imports the :mod:`demopkg1` package:
     .. include:: pkgutil_extend_path.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     When this test program is run directly from the command line, the
     :mod:`not_shared` module is not found.  
     .. note::
       The full filesystem paths in these examples have been shortened to
       emphasize the parts that change.
     	$ python pkgutil_extend_path.py
     	demopkg1.__path__ before:
     	demopkg1.__path__ after:
     	demopkg1           : .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/demopkg1/__init__.py
     	demopkg1.shared    : .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/demopkg1/shared.py
     	demopkg1.not_shared: Not found (No module named not_shared)
     However, if the ``extension`` directory is added to the
     :data:`PYTHONPATH` and the program is run again, different results are
         $ export PYTHONPATH=extension
         $ python pkgutil_extend_path.py
         demopkg1.__path__ before:
         demopkg1.__path__ after:
         demopkg1           : .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/demopkg1/__init__.pyc
         demopkg1.shared    : .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/demopkg1/shared.pyc
         demopkg1.not_shared: .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/extension/demopkg1/not_shared.py
     The version of :mod:`demopkg1` inside the ``extension`` directory has
     been added to the search path, so the :mod:`not_shared` module is
     found there.
     Extending the path in this manner is useful for combining
     platform-specific versions of packages with common packages,
     especially if the platform-specific versions include C extension
     Development Versions of Packages
     While develop enhancements to a project, it is common to need to test
     changes to an installed package. Replacing the installed copy with a
     development version may be a bad idea, since it is not necessarily
     correct and other tools on the system are likely to depend on the
     installed package. 
     A completely separate copy of the package could be configured in a
     development environment using `virtualenv`_, but for small
     modifications the overhead of setting up a virtual environment with
     all of the dependencies may be excessive.
     Another option is to use :mod:`pkgutil` to modify the module search
     path for modules that belong to the package under development. In this
     case, however, the path must be reversed so development version
     overrides the installed version.
     Given a package :mod:`demopkg2` like this:
         $ find demopkg2 -name '*.py'
     With the function under development located in
     ``demopkg2/overloaded.py``. The installed version contains
     .. include:: demopkg2/overloaded.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     and ``demopkg2/__init__.py`` contains
     .. include:: demopkg2/__init__.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     :func:`reverse` is used to ensure that any directories added to the
     search path by :mod:`pkgutil` are scanned for imports *before* the
     default location.
     This program imports :mod:`demopkg2.overloaded` and calls :func:`func`:
     .. include:: pkgutil_devel.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     Running it without any special path treatment produces output from the
     installed version of :func:`func`.
         $ python pkgutil_devel.py
         demopkg2           : .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/demopkg2/__init__.py
         demopkg2.overloaded: .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/demopkg2/overloaded.py
     A development directory containing
         $ find develop -name '*.py'
     and a modified version of :mod:`overloaded`
     .. include:: develop/demopkg2/overloaded.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     will be loaded when the test program is run with the ``develop``
     directory in the search path.
         $ export PYTHONPATH=develop 
         $ python pkgutil_devel.py
         demopkg2           : .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/demopkg2/__init__.pyc
         demopkg2.overloaded: .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/develop/demopkg2/overloaded.pyc
     Managing Paths with PKG Files
     The first example above illustrated how to extend the search path
     using extra directories included in the :data:`PYTHONPATH`. It is also
     possible to add to the search path using ``*.pkg`` files containing
     directory names. PKG files are similar to the PTH files used by the
     :mod:`site` module. They can contain directory names, one per line, to
     be added to the search path for the package.
     Another way to structure the platform-specific portions of the
     application from the first example is to use a separate directory for
     each operating system, and include a ``.pkg`` file to extend the
     search path.
     This example uses the same :mod:`demopkg1` files, and also includes
     the following files:
         $ find os_* -type f
     The PKG files are named ``demopkg1.pkg`` to match the package
     being extended.  They both contain::
     This demo program shows the version of the module being imported:
     .. include:: pkgutil_os_specific.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     A simple run script can be used to switch between the two packages:
     .. include:: with_os.sh
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     And when run with ``"one"`` or ``"two"`` as the arguments, the path is
     adjusted appropriately:
         $ ./with_os.sh one
         demopkg1.__path__ before:
         demopkg1.__path__ after:
         demopkg1           : .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/demopkg1/__init__.pyc
         demopkg1.shared    : .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/demopkg1/shared.pyc
         demopkg1.not_shared: .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/os_one/demopkg1/not_shared.pyc
         $ ./with_os.sh two
         demopkg1.__path__ before:
         demopkg1.__path__ after:
         demopkg1           : .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/demopkg1/__init__.pyc
         demopkg1.shared    : .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/demopkg1/shared.pyc
         demopkg1.not_shared: .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/os_two/demopkg1/not_shared.pyc
     PKG files can appear anywhere in the normal search path, so a
     single PKG file in the current working directory could also be
     used to include a development tree.
     Nested Packages
     For nested packages, it is only necessary to modify the path of the top-level
     package. For example, with this directory structure
         $ find nested -name '*.py'
     Where ``nested/__init__.py`` contains
     .. include:: nested/__init__.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     and a development tree like
         $ find develop/nested -name '*.py'
     Both the :mod:`shallow` and :mod:`deep` modules contain a simple
     function to print out a message indicating whether or not they come
     from the installed or development version.
     This test program exercises the new packages.
     .. include:: pkgutil_nested.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     When ``pkgutil_nested.py`` is run without any path manipulation, the
     installed version of both modules are used.
         $ python pkgutil_nested.py
         nested.shallow: .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/nested/shallow.pyc
         This func() comes from the installed version of nested.shallow
         nested.second.deep: .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/nested/second/deep.pyc
         This func() comes from the installed version of nested.second.deep
     When the ``develop`` directory is added to the path, the development
     version of both functions override the installed versions.
         $ PYTHONPATH=develop python pkgutil_nested.py 
         nested.shallow: .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/develop/nested/shallow.pyc
         This func() comes from the development version of nested.shallow
         nested.second.deep: .../PyMOTW/pkgutil/develop/nested/second/deep.pyc
         This func() comes from the development version of nested.second.deep
     Package Data
     In addition to code, Python packages can contain data files such as
     templates, default configuration files, images, and other supporting
     files used by the code in the package.  The :func:`get_data` function
     gives access to the data in the files in a format-agnostic way, so it
     does not matter if the package is distributed as an EGG, part of a
     frozen binary, or regular files on the filesystem.
     With a package :mod:`pkgwithdata` containing a ``templates`` directory
         $ find pkgwithdata -type f
     and ``pkgwithdata/templates/base.html`` containing
     .. literalinclude:: pkgwithdata/templates/base.html
     This program uses :func:`get_data` to retrieve the template contents
     and print them out.
     .. include:: pkgutil_get_data.py
        :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     The arguments to :func:`get_data` are the dotted name of the package,
     and a filename relative to the top of the package.  The return value
     is a byte sequence, so it is encoded as UTF-8 before being printed.
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pkgutil_get_data.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python pkgutil_get_data.py
     	<html> <head>
     	<title>PyMOTW Template</title>
     	<h1>Example Template</h1>
     	<p>This is a sample data file.</p>
     .. {{{end}}}
     :func:`get_data` is distribution format-agnostic because it uses the
     import hooks defined in :pep:`302` to access the package contents.
     Any loader that provides the hooks can be used, including the ZIP
     archive importer in :mod:`zipfile`.
     .. include:: pkgutil_get_data_zip.py
        :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     This example creates a ZIP archive with a copy of the
     :mod:`pkgwithdata` package, including a renamed version of the
     template file.  It then adds the ZIP archive to the import path before
     using :mod:`pkgutil` to load the template and print it.
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pkgutil_get_data_zip.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python pkgutil_get_data_zip.py
     	Loading pkgwithdata from pkgwithdatainzip.zip/pkgwithdata/__init__.pyc
     	<html> <head>
     	<title>PyMOTW Template</title>
     	<h1>Example Template</h1>
     	<p>This is a sample data file.</p>
     .. {{{end}}}
     .. seealso::
         `pkgutil <http://docs.python.org/lib/module-pkgutil.html>`_
             Standard library documentation for this module.
             Ian Bicking's virtual environment script.
             Packaging tools from Python standard library.
             Next-generation packaging tools.
             Import Hooks
             Create importable ZIP archives.
             Importer for packages in ZIP archives.
     .. _virtualenv: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv
     .. _Distribute: http://packages.python.org/distribute/

[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / pkgutil / index.txt

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