
[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / pickle / index.txt

     pickle and cPickle -- Python object serialization
     .. module:: pickle
         :synopsis: Python object serialization
     .. module:: cPickle
         :synopsis: Python object serialization
     :Purpose: Python object serialization
     :Python Version: pickle at least 1.4, cPickle 1.5
     The :mod:`pickle` module implements an algorithm for turning an
     arbitrary Python object into a series of bytes.  This process is also
     called *serializing*" the object. The byte stream representing the
     object can then be transmitted or stored, and later reconstructed to
     create a new object with the same characteristics.
     The :mod:`cPickle` module implements the same algorithm, in C instead
     of Python. It is many times faster than the Python implementation, but
     does not allow the user to subclass from Pickle. If subclassing is not
     important for your use, you probably want to use cPickle.
     .. warning::
         The documentation for pickle makes clear that it offers no security
         guarantees. Be careful if you use pickle for inter-process communication or
         data storage.  Do not trust data you cannot verify as secure.
     It is common to first try to import cPickle, giving an alias of
     "pickle". If that import fails for any reason, you can then fall back
     on the native Python implementation in the pickle module. This gives
     you the faster implementation, if it is available, and the portable
     implementation otherwise.
            import cPickle as pickle
            import pickle
     Encoding and Decoding Data in Strings
     This first example encodes a data structure as a string, then prints
     the string to the console. It uses a data structure made up of
     entirely native types. Instances of any class can be pickled, as will
     be illustrated in a later example.  Use ``pickle.dumps()`` to create a
     string representation of the value of the object.
     .. include:: pickle_string.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     By default, the pickle will contain only ASCII characters. A more
     efficient binary format is also available, but all of the examples
     here use the ASCII output because it is easier to understand in print.
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pickle_string.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python pickle_string.py
     	DATA:[{'a': 'A', 'b': 2, 'c': 3.0}]
     	PICKLE: (lp1
     .. {{{end}}}
     Once the data is serialized, you can write it to a file, socket, pipe, etc.
     Then later you can read the file and unpickle the data to construct a new
     object with the same values.
     .. include:: pickle_unpickle.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     As you see, the newly constructed object is the equal to but not the same
     object as the original. No surprise there.
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pickle_unpickle.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python pickle_unpickle.py
     	BEFORE:[{'a': 'A', 'b': 2, 'c': 3.0}]
     	AFTER:[{'a': 'A', 'b': 2, 'c': 3.0}]
     	SAME?: False
     	EQUAL?: True
     .. {{{end}}}
     Working with Streams
     In addition to ``dumps()`` and ``loads()``, pickle provides a couple
     of convenience functions for working with file-like streams. It is
     possible to write multiple objects to a stream, and then read them
     from the stream without knowing in advance how many objects are
     written or how big they are.
     .. include:: pickle_stream.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     The example simulates streams using StringIO buffers, so we have to
     play a little trickery to establish the readable stream. A simple
     database format could use pickles to store objects, too, though
     :mod:`shelve` would be easier to work with.
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pickle_stream.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python pickle_stream.py
     	WRITING: pickle (elkcip)
     	WRITING: cPickle (elkciPc)
     	WRITING: last (tsal)
     	READ: pickle (elkcip)
     	READ: cPickle (elkciPc)
     	READ: last (tsal)
     .. {{{end}}}
     Besides storing data, pickles are very handy for inter-process
     communication. For example, using ``os.fork()`` and ``os.pipe()``, one
     can establish worker processes that read job instructions from one
     pipe and write the results to another pipe. The core code for managing
     the worker pool and sending jobs in and receiving responses can be
     reused, since the job and response objects don't have to be of a
     particular class. If you are using pipes or sockets, do not forget to
     flush after dumping each object, to push the data through the
     connection to the other end.  See :mod:`multiprocessing` if you don't
     want to write your own worker pool manager.
     Problems Reconstructing Objects
     When working with your own classes, you must ensure that the class being
     pickled appears in the namespace of the process reading the pickle. Only the
     data for the instance is pickled, not the class definition. The class name is
     used to find the constructor to create the new object when unpickling. Take
     this example, which writes instances of a class to a file:
     .. include:: pickle_dump_to_file_1.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     When run, the script creates a file based on the name given as
     argument on the command line:
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pickle_dump_to_file_1.py test.dat'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python pickle_dump_to_file_1.py test.dat
     	WRITING: pickle (elkcip)
     	WRITING: cPickle (elkciPc)
     	WRITING: last (tsal)
     .. {{{end}}}
     A simplistic attempt to load the resulting pickled objects fails:
     .. include:: pickle_load_from_file_1.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     This version fails because there is no SimpleObject class available:
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pickle_load_from_file_1.py test.dat', ignore_error=True))
     .. }}}
     	$ python pickle_load_from_file_1.py test.dat
     	Traceback (most recent call last):
     	  File "pickle_load_from_file_1.py", line 52, in <module>
     	    o = pickle.load(in_s)
     	AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SimpleObject'
     .. {{{end}}}
     The corrected version, which imports SimpleObject from the original
     script, succeeds.
         from pickle_dump_to_file_1 import SimpleObject
     to the end of the import list, then re-run the script:
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pickle_load_from_file_2.py test.dat'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python pickle_load_from_file_2.py test.dat
     	READ: pickle (elkcip)
     	READ: cPickle (elkciPc)
     	READ: last (tsal)
     .. {{{end}}}
     There are some special considerations when pickling data types with
     values that cannot be pickled (sockets, file handles, database
     connections, etc.). Classes that use values which cannot be pickled
     can define ``__getstate__()`` and ``__setstate__()`` to return a
     subset of the state of the instance to be pickled. New-style classes
     can also define ``__getnewargs__()``, which should return arguments to
     be passed to the class memory allocator (``C.__new__()``).  Use of
     these features is covered in more detail in the standard library
     Circular References
     The pickle protocol automatically handles circular references between
     objects, so you don't need to do anything special with complex data
     structures.  Consider the digraph:
     .. digraph:: pickle_example
        "root" -> "a";
        "root" -> "b";
        "a" -> "b";
        "b" -> "a";
        "b" -> "c";
        "a" -> "a";
     Even though the graph includes several cycles, the correct structure
     can be pickled and then reloaded.
     .. include:: pickle_cycle.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     The reloaded nodes are not the same object, but the relationship
     between the nodes is maintained and only one copy of the object with
     multiple reference is reloaded. Both of these statements can be
     verified by examining the ``id()`` values for the nodes before and
     after being passed through pickle.
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pickle_cycle.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python pickle_cycle.py
     	 root ->  a (4299677584)
     	    a ->  b (4299677648)
     	    b ->  a (4299677584)
     	    b ->  c (4299718736)
     	    a ->  a (4299677584)
     	 root ->  b (4299677648)
     	 root ->  a (4299718864)
     	    a ->  b (4299718928)
     	    b ->  a (4299718864)
     	    b ->  c (4299718992)
     	    a ->  a (4299718864)
     	 root ->  b (4299718928)
     .. {{{end}}}
     .. seealso::
         `pickle <http://docs.python.org/lib/module-pickle.html>`_
             Standard library documentation for this module.
             The shelve module.
         `Pickle: An interesting stack language. <http://peadrop.com/blog/2007/06/18/pickle-an-interesting-stack-language/>`__
             by Alexandre Vassalotti

[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / pickle / index.txt

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