
[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / gdbm / index.txt

     gdbm -- GNU's version of the dbm library
     .. module:: gdbm
         :synopsis: GNU's version of the dbm library
     :Purpose: GNU's version of the dbm library
     :Python Version: 1.4 and later
     :mod:`gdbm` is GNU's updated version of the :mod:`dbm` library.  It follows the same semantics as the other DBM implementations described under :mod:`anydbm`, with a few changes to the *flags* supported by ``open()``.
     Besides the standard ``'r'``, ``'w'``, ``'c'``, and ``'n'`` flags, ``gdbm.open()`` supports:
         * ``'f'`` to open the database in *fast* mode. In fast mode, writes to the database are not synchronized.
         * ``'s'`` to open the database in *synchronized* mode. Changes to the database are written to the file as they are made, rather than being delayed until the database is closed or synced explicitly.
         * ``'u'`` to open the database unlocked.
     .. seealso::
         `gdbm <http://docs.python.org/library/gdbm.html>`_
             The standard library documentation for this module.
             The :mod:`dbm` module.
             The :mod:`anydbm` module.

[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / gdbm / index.txt

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