
[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / cmd / index.txt

     .. Do not need to both with cog for this one, since the examples are interactive.
     cmd -- Create line-oriented command processors
     .. module:: cmd
         :synopsis: Create line-oriented command processors.
     :Purpose: Create line-oriented command processors.
     :Python Version: 1.4 and later, with some additions in 2.3
     The :mod:`cmd` module contains one public class, :class:`Cmd`,
     designed to be used as a base class for command processors such as
     interactive shells and other command interpreters. By default it uses
     :mod:`readline` for interactive prompt handling, command line editing,
     and command completion.
     Processing Commands
     The interpreter uses a loop to read all lines from its input, parse
     them, and then dispatch the command to an appropriate command
     handler. Input lines are parsed into two parts. The command, and any
     other text on the line. If the user enters a command ``foo bar``, and
     your class includes a method named :func:`do_foo()`, it is called with
     ``"bar"`` as the only argument.
     The end-of-file marker is dispatched to :func:`do_EOF()`. If a command
     handler returns a true value, the program will exit cleanly. So to
     give a clean way to exit your interpreter, make sure to implement
     :func:`do_EOF()` and have it return True.
     This simple example program supports the "greet" command:
     .. include:: cmd_simple.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     By running it interactively, we can demonstrate how commands are dispatched as
     well as show of some of the features included in :class:`Cmd` for free.
         $ python cmd_simple.py 
     The first thing to notice is the command prompt, ``(Cmd)``. The
     prompt can be configured through the attribute prompt. If the prompt
     changes as the result of a command processor, the new value is used to
     query for the next command.
         (Cmd) help
         Undocumented commands:
         EOF  greet  help
     The ``help`` command is built into :class:`Cmd`. With no arguments, it
     shows the list of commands available. If you include a command you
     want help on, the output is more verbose and restricted to details of
     that command, when available.
     If we use the greet command, :func:`do_greet()` is invoked to handle it:
         (Cmd) greet
     If your class does not include a specific command processor for a
     command, the method :func:`default()` is called with the entire input
     line as an argument. The built-in implementation of :func:`default()`
     reports an error.
         (Cmd) foo *** Unknown syntax: foo
     Since :func:`do_EOF()` returns True, typing Ctrl-D will drop us out of
     the interpreter.
         (Cmd) ^D$ 
     Notice that no newline is printed, so the results are a little messy.
     Command Arguments
     This version of the example includes a few enhancements to eliminate some of
     the annoyances and add help for the greet command. 
     .. include:: cmd_arguments.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     First, let's look at the help. The docstring added to
     :func:`do_greet()` becomes the help text for the command:
         $ python cmd_arguments.py 
         (Cmd) help
         Documented commands (type help ):
         Undocumented commands:
         EOF  help
         (Cmd) help greet
         greet [person]
                 Greet the named person
     The output shows one optional argument to the greet command,
     *person*. Although the argument is optional to the command, there is a
     distinction between the command and the callback method. The method
     always takes the argument, but sometimes the value is an empty
     string. It is left up to the command processor to determine if an
     empty argument is valid, or do any further parsing and processing of
     the command. In this example, if a person's name is provided then the
     greeting is personalized.
         (Cmd) greet Alice
         hi, Alice
         (Cmd) greet
     Whether an argument is given by the user or not, the value passed to the
     command processor does not include the command itself. That simplifies parsing
     in the command processor, if multiple arguments are needed.
     Live Help
     In the previous example, the formatting of the help text leaves
     something to be desired. Since it comes from the docstring, it retains
     the indentation from our source. We could edit the source to remove
     the extra white-space, but that would leave our application looking
     poorly formatted. An alternative solution is to implement a help
     handler for the greet command, named :func:`help_greet()`. When
     present, the help handler is called on to produce help text for the
     named command.
     .. include:: cmd_do_help.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     In this simple example, the text is static but formatted more nicely. It would
     also be possible to use previous command state to tailor the contents of the
     help text to the current context.
         $ python cmd_do_help.py 
         (Cmd) help greet
         greet [person]
         Greet the named person
     It is up to the help handler to actually output the help message, and not
     simply return the help text for handling elsewhere.
     :class:`Cmd` includes support for command completion based on the
     names of the commands with processor methods. The user triggers
     completion by hitting the tab key at an input prompt. When multiple
     completions are possible, pressing tab twice prints a list of the
         $ python cmd_do_help.py 
         (Cmd) <tab><tab>
         EOF    greet  help   
         (Cmd) h<tab>
         (Cmd) help
     Once the command is known, argument completion is handled by methods with the
     prefix ``complete_``. This allows you to assemble a list of possible completions
     using your own criteria (query a database, look at at a file or directory on
     the filesystem, etc.). In this case, the program has a hard-coded set of
     "friends" who receive a less formal greeting than named or anonymous
     strangers. A real program would probably save the list somewhere, and either
     read it once and cache the contents to be scanned as needed.
     .. include:: cmd_arg_completion.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     When there is input text, :func:`complete_greet()` returns a list of
     friends that match. Otherwise, the full list of friends is returned.
         $ python cmd_arg_completion.py 
         (Cmd) greet <tab><tab>
         Adam     Alice    Barbara  Bob      
         (Cmd) greet A<tab><tab>
         Adam   Alice  
         (Cmd) greet Ad<tab>
         (Cmd) greet Adam
         hi, Adam!
     If the name given is not in the list of friends, the formal greeting is given.
         (Cmd) greet Joe
         hello, Joe
     Overriding Base Class Methods
     Cmd includes several methods that can be overridden as hooks for taking
     actions or altering the base class behavior. This example is not exhaustive,
     but contains many of the methods commonly useful.
     .. include:: cmd_illustrate_methods.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     :func:`cmdloop()` is the main processing loop of the interpreter. You
     can override it, but it is usually not necessary, since the
     :func:`preloop()` and :func:`postloop()` hooks are available.
     Each iteration through :func:`cmdloop()` calls :func:`onecmd()` to
     dispatch the command to its processor. The actual input line is parsed
     with :func:`parseline()` to create a tuple containing the command, and
     the remaining portion of the line.
     If the line is empty, :func:`emptyline()` is called. The default
     implementation runs the previous command again. If the line contains a
     command, first :func:`precmd()` is called then the processor is looked
     up and invoked. If none is found, :func:`default()` is called
     instead. Finally postcmd() is called.
     Here's an example session with ``print`` statements added:
         $ python cmd_illustrate_methods.py 
         cmdloop(Illustrating the methods of cmd.Cmd)
         Illustrating the methods of cmd.Cmd
         (Cmd) greet Bob
         precmd(greet Bob)
         onecmd(greet Bob)
         parseline(greet Bob) => ('greet', 'Bob', 'greet Bob')
         hello, Bob
         postcmd(None, greet Bob)
         (Cmd) ^Dprecmd(EOF)
         parseline(EOF) => ('EOF', '', 'EOF')
         postcmd(True, EOF)
     Configuring Cmd Through Attributes
     In addition to the methods described above, there are several attributes for
     controlling command interpreters.
     ``prompt`` can be set to a string to be printed each time the user is asked for a
     new command.
     ``intro`` is the "welcome" message printed at the start of the program. cmdloop()
     takes an argument for this value, or you can set it on the class directly.
     When printing help, the ``doc_header``, ``misc_header``,
     ``undoc_header``, and ``ruler`` attributes are used to format the
     This example class shows a command processor to let the user control the
     prompt for the interactive session.
     .. include:: cmd_attributes.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
         $ python cmd_attributes.py 
         Simple command processor example.
         prompt: prompt hello
         hello: help
         EOF  help
     Shelling Out
     To supplement the standard command processing, :class:`Cmd` includes 2
     special command prefixes. A question mark (``?``) is equivalent to the
     built-in help command, and can be used in the same way. An exclamation
     point (``!``) maps to :func:`do_shell()`, and is intended for shelling
     out to run other commands, as in this example.
     .. include:: cmd_do_shell.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
         $ python cmd_do_shell.py 
         (Cmd) ?
         Documented commands (type help ):
         echo  shell
         Undocumented commands:
         EOF  help
         (Cmd) ? shell
         Run a shell command
         (Cmd) ? echo
         Print the input, replacing '$out' with the output of the last shell command
         (Cmd) shell pwd
         running shell command: pwd
         (Cmd) ! pwd
         running shell command: pwd
         (Cmd) echo $out
     Alternative Inputs
     While the default mode for :func:`Cmd` is to interact with the user
     through the :mod:`readline` library, it is also possible to pass a
     series of commands in to standard input using standard Unix shell
         $ echo help | python cmd_do_help.py 
         Documented commands (type help ):
         Undocumented commands:
         EOF  help
     If you would rather have your program read the script file directly, a
     few other changes may be needed. Since :mod:`readline` interacts with
     the terminal/tty device, rather than the standard input stream, you
     should disable it if you know your script is going to be reading from
     a file. Also, to avoid printing superfluous prompts, you can set the
     prompt to an empty string. This example shows how to open a file and
     pass it as input to a modified version of the HelloWorld example.
     .. include:: cmd_file.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     With *use_rawinput* set to False and *prompt* set to an empty string,
     we can call the script on this input file:
     .. include:: cmd_file.txt
     to produce output like:
         $ python cmd_file.py cmd_file.txt 
         hello, Alice and Bob
     Commands from sys.argv
     You can also process command line arguments to the program as a
     command for your interpreter class, instead of reading commands from
     stdin or a file.  To use the command line arguments, you can call
     :func:`onecmd()` directly, as in this example.
     .. include:: cmd_argv.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     Since :func:`onecmd()` takes a single string as input, the arguments
     to the program need to be joined together before being passed in.
         $ python cmd_argv.py greet Command Line User
         hello, Command Line User
         $ python cmd_argv.py
         (Cmd) greet Interactive User
         hello, Interactive User
     .. seealso::
         `cmd <http://docs.python.org/library/cmd.html>`_
             The standard library documentation for this module.
         `cmd2 <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/cmd2>`__
             Drop-in replacement for cmd with additional features.
         `GNU readline`_
              The GNU Readline library provides functions that allow users
              to edit input lines as they are typed.
              The Python standard library interface to readline.
     .. _GNU readline: http://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html

[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / cmd / index.txt

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