
[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / about.txt

     About Python Module of the Week
     PyMOTW is a series of blog posts written by `Doug Hellmann
     <http://www.doughellmann.com/>`_.  It was started as a way to build
     the habit of writing something on a regular basis.  The focus of the
     series is building a set of example code for the modules in the
     `Python <http://www.python.org/>`_ standard library.
     See the project home page at http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/ for
     updates and the latest release.  Source code is available from
     Complete documentation for the standard library can be found on the
     Python web site at http://docs.python.org/library/.
     The source text for PyMOTW is `reStructuredText
     <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/>`_ and the HTML and PDF output are
     created using `Sphinx <http://sphinx.pocoo.org/>`_.
     As new articles are written, they are posted to my blog
     (http://blog.doughellmann.com/).  Updates are available by RSS from
     http://feeds.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW and `email
     .. _motw-cli:
     The motw Command Line Interface
     PyMOTW includes a command line program, ``motw``, to make it even
     easier to access the examples while you are developing. Simply run
     ``motw module`` to open the local copy of the HTML text for the named
     module. There are also options to view the articles in different
     formats (see the ``-h`` output for details).
     Usage: ``motw [options] <module_name>``
     -h, --help  show this help message and exit
     -t, --text  Print plain-text version of help to stdout
     -w, --web   Open HTML version of help from web
     --html      Open HTML version of help from installed file
     .. _motw-interactive:
     Using PyMOTW with the Interactive Interpreter
     PyMOTW articles are at your fingertips while you're working with the
     Python interactive interpreter.  Importing ``PyMOTW`` adds the
     function ``motw()`` to the ``__builtins__`` namespace.  Run
     ``motw(module)`` to see the help for an imported module.  Enclose the
     name in quotes for a module that you haven't already imported.
         $ python
         Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Apr 16 2009, 09:17:39) 
         [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)] on darwin
         Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
         >>> import PyMOTW
         >>> motw('atexit')
         atexit -- Call functions when a program is closing down
     .. _translations:
     Translations and Other Versions
     `Chinese <http://www.vbarter.cn/pymotw/>`_
       Junjie Cai (蔡俊杰) and Yan Sheng (盛艳) have started a google code
       project called PyMOTWCN (http://code.google.com/p/pymotwcn/) and
       posted the completed translations at http://www.vbarter.cn/pymotw/.
     `German <http://schoenian-online.de/pymotw.html>`_
       Ralf Schönian is translating PyMOTW into German, following an
       alphabetical order.  The results are available on his web site,
       http://schoenian-online.de/pymotw.html.  Ralf is an active member of
       the `pyCologne
       user group in Germany and author of pyVoc, the open source
       English/German vocabulary trainer (http://code.google.com/p/pyvoc/).
     `Italian <http://robyp.x10hosting.com/>`_
       Roberto Pauletto is working on an Italian translation at
       http://robyp.x10hosting.com/.  Roberto creates Windows applications
       with C# by day, and tinkers with Linux and Python at home.  He has
       recently moved to Python from Perl for all of his
       system-administration scripting.
     `Spanish <http://denklab.org/articles/category/pymotw/>`_
       `Ernesto Rico Schmidt <http://denklab.org/>`_ provides a Spanish
       translation that follows the English version posts. Ernesto is in
       Bolivia, and is translating these examples as a way to contribute to
       the members of the `Bolivian Free Software
       <http://www.softwarelibre.org.bo/>`_ community who use Python.  The
       full list of articles available in Spanish can be found at
       http://denklab.org/articles/category/pymotw/, and there is an `RSS
       feed <http://denklab.org/feeds/articles/category/pymotw/>`_.
     `Japanese <http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW-ja/>`_
       `Tetsuya Morimoto <http://d.hatena.ne.jp/t2y-1979/>`_ is creating a
       Japanese translation. Tetsuya has used Python for 1.5 years. He has
       as experience at a Linux Distributor using Python with yum,
       anaconda, and rpm-tools while building RPM packages. Now, he uses it
       to make useful tools for himself, and is interested in application
       frameworks such as Django, mercurial and wxPython. Tetsuya is a
       member of `Python Japan User's Group <http://www.python.jp/Zope/>`_
       and `Python Code Reading
       <http://groups.google.co.jp/group/python-code-reading>`_. The home
       page for his translation is http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW-ja/.
     Gerard Flanagan is working on a "Python compendium" called `The Hazel
     Tree <http://www.thehazeltree.org/>`_.  He is converting a collection
     of old and new of Python-related reference material into
     reStructuredText and then building a single searchable repository from
     the results.  I am very pleased to have PyMOTW included with works
     from authors like Mark Pilgrim, Fredrik Lundh, Andrew Kuchling, and a
     growing list of others.
     Other Contributors
     Thank you to John Benediktsson for the original HTML-to-reST
     .. include:: copyright.rst

[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / about.txt

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