
[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / StringIO / index.txt

     StringIO and cStringIO -- Work with text buffers using file-like API
     .. module:: StringIO
         :synopsis: Work with text buffers using file-like API
     .. module:: cStringIO
         :synopsis: Work with text buffers using file-like API
     :Purpose: Work with text buffers using file-like API
     :Python Version: StringIO: 1.4, cStringIO: 1.5
     :class:`StringIO` provides a convenient means of working with text in
     memory using the file API (read, write. etc.). There are two separate
     implementations. The :mod:`cStringIO` version is written in C for
     speed, while :mod:`StringIO` is written in Python for
     portability. Using :mod:`cStringIO` to build large strings can offer
     performance savings over some other string conctatenation techniques.
     Here are some pretty standard, simple, examples of using
     :class:`StringIO` buffers:
     .. include:: stringio_examples.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     This example uses :func:`read()`, but the :func:`readline()` and
     :func:`readlines()` methods are also available. The :class:`StringIO`
     class also provides a :func:`seek()` method so it is possible to jump
     around in a buffer while reading, which can be useful for rewinding if
     you are using some sort of look-ahead parsing algorithm.
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'stringio_examples.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python stringio_examples.py
     	This goes into the buffer. And so does this.
     	Inital value for read buffer
     .. {{{end}}}
     Real world applications of :mod:`StringIO` include a web application
     stack where various parts of the stack may add text to the response,
     or testing the output generated by parts of a program which typically
     write to a file.
     The application we are building at work includes a shell scripting
     interface in the form of several command line programs. Some of these
     programs are responsible for pulling data from the database and
     dumping it on the console (either to show the user, or so the text can
     serve as input to another command). The commands share a set of
     formatter plugins to produce a text representation of an object in a
     variety of ways (XML, bash syntax, human readable, etc.). Since the
     formatters normally write to standard output, testing the results
     would be a little tricky without the StringIO module. Using StringIO
     to intercept the output of the formatter gives us an easy way to
     collect the output in memory to compare against expected results.
     .. seealso::
         `StringIO <http://docs.python.org/lib/module-StringIO.html>`_
             Standard library documentation for this module.
         `The StringIO module ::: www.effbot.org <http://effbot.org/librarybook/stringio.htm>`_
             effbot's examples with StringIO
         `Efficient String Concatenation in Python <http://www.skymind.com/%7Eocrow/python_string/>`_
             Examines various methods of combining strings and their relative merits.

[top] / python / PyMOTW / docs / _sources / StringIO / index.txt

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