
[top] / python / PyMOTW / Queue / index.rst

     Queue -- A thread-safe FIFO implementation
     .. module:: Queue
         :synopsis: Provides a thread-safe FIFO implementation
     :Purpose: Provides a thread-safe FIFO implementation
     :Python Version: at least 1.4
     The :mod:`Queue` module provides a FIFO implementation suitable for
     multi-threaded programming. It can be used to pass messages or other
     data between producer and consumer threads safely. Locking is handled
     for the caller, so it is simple to have as many threads as you want
     working with the same Queue instance. A Queue's size (number of
     elements) may be restricted to throttle memory usage or processing.
     .. note::
         This discussion assumes you already understand the general nature
         of a queue. If you don't, you may want to read some of the
         references before continuing.
     Basic FIFO Queue
     The ``Queue`` class implements a basic first-in, first-out container.
     Elements are added to one "end" of the sequence using ``put()``, and
     removed from the other end using ``get()``.
     .. include:: Queue_fifo.py
        :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     This example uses a single thread to illustrate that elements are
     removed from the queue in the same order they are inserted.
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'Queue_fifo.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python Queue_fifo.py
     .. {{{end}}}
     LIFO Queue
     In contrast to the standard FIFO implementation of ``Queue``, the
     ``LifoQueue`` uses last-in, first-out ordering (normally associated
     with a stack data structure).
     .. include:: Queue_lifo.py
        :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     The item most recently ``put()`` into the queue is removed by
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'Queue_lifo.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python Queue_lifo.py
     .. {{{end}}}
     .. _Queue-PriorityQueue:
     Priority Queue
     Sometimes the processing order of the items in a queue needs to be
     based on characteristics of those items, rather than just the order
     they are created or added to the queue.  For example, print jobs from
     the payroll department may take precedence over a code listing printed
     by a developer.  ``PriorityQueue`` uses the sort order of the contents
     of the queue to decide which to retrieve.
     .. include:: Queue_priority.py
        :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     In this single-threaded example, the jobs are pulled out of the queue
     in strictly priority order.  If there were multiple threads consuming
     the jobs, they would be processed based on the priority of items in
     the queue at the time ``get()`` was called.
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'Queue_priority.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python Queue_priority.py
     	New job: Mid-level job
     	New job: Low-level job
     	New job: Important job
     	Processing job: Important job
     	Processing job: Mid-level job
     	Processing job: Low-level job
     .. {{{end}}}
     Using Queues with Threads
     As an example of how to use the Queue class with multiple threads, we
     can create a very simplistic podcasting client. This client reads one
     or more RSS feeds, queues up the enclosures for download, and
     processes several downloads in parallel using threads. It is
     simplistic and unsuitable for actual use, but the skeleton
     implementation gives us enough code to work with to provide an example
     of using the Queue module.
     .. include:: fetch_podcasts.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     First, we establish some operating parameters. Normally these would
     come from user inputs (preferences, a database, whatever). For our
     example we hard code the number of threads to use and the list of URLs
     to fetch.
     Next, we need to define the function ``downloadEnclosures()`` that
     will run in the worker thread, processing the downloads. Again, for
     illustration purposes this only simulates the download. To actually
     download the enclosure, you might use :mod:`urllib` or
     :mod:`urllib2`. In this example, we simulate a download delay by
     sleeping a variable amount of time, depending on the thread id.
     Once the threads' target function is defined, we can start the worker
     threads. Notice that downloadEnclosures() will block on the statement
     ``url = q.get()`` until the queue has something to return, so it is
     safe to start the threads before there is anything in the queue.
     The next step is to retrieve the feed contents (using Mark Pilgrim's
     `feedparser`_ module) and enqueue the URLs of the enclosures. As soon
     as the first URL is added to the queue, one of the worker threads
     should pick it up and start downloading it. The loop below will
     continue to add items until the feed is exhausted, and the worker
     threads will take turns dequeuing URLs to download them.
     And the only thing left to do is wait for the queue to empty out
     again, using ``join()``.
     If you run the sample script, you should see output something like
         0: Looking for the next enclosure
         1: Looking for the next enclosure
         Queuing: http://http.earthcache.net/htc-01.media.globix.net/COMP009996MOD1/Danny_Meyer.mp3
         Queuing: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/drmoldawer/~5/104445110/moldawerinthemorning_show34_032607.mp3
         Queuing: http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/twit.cachefly.net/MBW-036.mp3
         Queuing: http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/04/PID_010848/Podtech_calacaniscast22_ipod.mp4
         Queuing: http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/03/PID_010592/Podtech_SXSW_KentBrewster_ipod.mp4
         Queuing: http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/02/PID_010171/Podtech_IDM_ChrisOBrien2.mp3
         Queuing: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/drmoldawer/~5/96188661/moldawerinthemorning_show30_022607.mp3
         *** Main thread waiting
         0: Downloading: http://http.earthcache.net/htc-01.media.globix.net/COMP009996MOD1/Danny_Meyer.mp3
         1: Downloading: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/drmoldawer/~5/104445110/moldawerinthemorning_show34_032607.mp3
         0: Looking for the next enclosure
         0: Downloading: http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/twit.cachefly.net/MBW-036.mp3
         1: Looking for the next enclosure
         1: Downloading: http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/04/PID_010848/Podtech_calacaniscast22_ipod.mp4
         0: Looking for the next enclosure
         0: Downloading: http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/03/PID_010592/Podtech_SXSW_KentBrewster_ipod.mp4
         0: Looking for the next enclosure
         0: Downloading: http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/02/PID_010171/Podtech_IDM_ChrisOBrien2.mp3
         1: Looking for the next enclosure
         1: Downloading: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/drmoldawer/~5/96188661/moldawerinthemorning_show30_022607.mp3
         0: Looking for the next enclosure
         1: Looking for the next enclosure
         *** Done
     The actual output will depend on whether anyone modifies the
     subscriptions in the guest account on http://www.CastSampler.com.
     .. seealso::
         `Queue <http://docs.python.org/lib/module-Queue.html>`_
             Standard library documentation for this module.
         :ref:`deque` from :mod:`collections`
             collections includes a deque (double-ended queue) class
         *Wikipedia: Queue data structures*
         *Wikipedia: FIFO*
             Mark Pilgrim's feedparser module (http://www.feedparser.org/).
             Other complex data structures in the standard library.
     .. _feedparser: http://www.feedparser.org/

[top] / python / PyMOTW / Queue / index.rst

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