
[top] / php / GetSimpleCMS-3.2.3 / plugins / InnovationPlugin.php

     Plugin Name: Innovation Theme Settings
     Description: Settings for the default GetSimple Theme: Innovation
     Version: 1.2
     Author: Chris Cagle
     Author URI: http://chriscagle.me
     # get correct id for plugin
     $thisfile_innov=basename(__FILE__, ".php");
     $innovation_file=GSDATAOTHERPATH .'InnovationSettings.xml';
     # add in this plugin's language file
     i18n_merge($thisfile_innov) || i18n_merge($thisfile_innov, 'en_US');
     # register plugin
     	$thisfile_innov, 								# ID of plugin, should be filename minus php
     	i18n_r($thisfile_innov.'/INNOVATION_TITLE'), 	# Title of plugin
     	'1.2', 											# Version of plugin
     	'Chris Cagle',									# Author of plugin
     	'http://chriscagle.me', 						# Author URL
     	i18n_r($thisfile_innov.'/INNOVATION_DESC'), 	# Plugin Description
     	'theme', 										# Page type of plugin
     	'innovation_show'  								# Function that displays content
     # hooks
     # enable side menu is theme is innovation or on theme page and enabling innovation, handle plugin exec before global is set
     	( $TEMPLATE == "Innovation" || 	( get_filename_id() == 'theme' && isset($_POST['template']) && $_POST['template'] == 'Innovation') ) &&
     	!( $TEMPLATE == "Innovation" && get_filename_id() == 'theme' && isset($_POST['template']) && $_POST['template'] != 'Innovation') 
     ) {
     	add_action('theme-sidebar','createSideMenu',array($thisfile_innov, i18n_r($thisfile_innov.'/INNOVATION_TITLE'))); 
     $services = array(
     # get XML data
     if (file_exists($innovation_file)) {
     	$innovation_data = getXML($innovation_file);
     function innovation_show() {
     	global $services,$innovation_file, $innovation_data, $thisfile_innov;
     	// submitted form
     	if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {		
     		foreach($services as $var){			
     			if ($_POST[$var] != '') {
     				if (validate_url($_POST[$var])) {
     					$resp[$var] = $_POST[$var];
     				} else {
     					$error .= i18n_r($thisfile_innov.'/'.strtoupper($var).'_ERROR').' ';
     		# if there are no errors, save data
     		if (!$error) {
     			$xml = @new SimpleXMLElement('<item></item>');
     			foreach($services as $var){			
     				if(isset($resp[$var])) $xml->addChild($var, $resp[$var]);
     			if (! $xml->asXML($innovation_file)) {
     				$error = i18n_r('CHMOD_ERROR');
     			} else {
     				$innovation_data = getXML($innovation_file);
     				$success = i18n_r('SETTINGS_UPDATED');
     	<h3><?php i18n($thisfile_innov.'/INNOVATION_TITLE'); ?></h3>
     	if($success) { 
     		echo '<p style="color:#669933;"><b>'. $success .'</b></p>';
     	if($error) { 
     		echo '<p style="color:#cc0000;"><b>'. $error .'</b></p>';
     	<form method="post" action="<?php	echo $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI']?>">
     			foreach($services as $var){
     				$value = '';
     				if(isset($innovation_data->$var)) $value = $innovation_data->$var;
     				echo '<p><label for="inn_'.$var.'" >' . i18n($thisfile_innov.'/'.strtoupper($var).'_URL') .'</label><input id="inn_'.$var.'" name="'.$var.'" class="text" value="'.$value.'" type="url" /></p>';
     		<p><input type="submit" id="submit" class="submit" value="<?php i18n('BTN_SAVESETTINGS'); ?>" name="submit" /></p>

[top] / php / GetSimpleCMS-3.2.3 / plugins / InnovationPlugin.php

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