
[top] / php / GetSimpleCMS-3.2.3 / admin / index.php

      * Login
      * Allows access to the GetSimple control panel
      * @package GetSimple
      * @subpackage Login
     # Setup inclusions
     $load['login'] = true;
     $load['plugin'] = true;
     get_template('header', cl($SITENAME).' » '.i18n_r('LOGIN')); 
     <div class="wrapper">
     <?php include('template/error_checking.php'); ?>
     <div class="bodycontent clearfix">
     	<div id="maincontent">
     		<div class="main" >
     			<h3><?php echo cl($SITENAME); ?></h3>
     			<?php exec_action('index-login'); ?>
     			<form class="login" action="<?php echo myself(false).'?'. htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], ENT_QUOTES); ?>" method="post">
     				<p><b><?php i18n('USERNAME'); ?>:</b><br /><input type="text" class="text" id="userid" name="userid" /></p>
     				<p><b><?php i18n('PASSWORD'); ?>:</b><br /><input type="password" class="text" id="pwd" name="pwd" /></p>
     				<p><input type="submit" name="submitted" class="submit" value="<?php i18n('LOGIN'); ?>" /></p>
     			<p class="cta" ><b>«</b> <a href="<?php echo $SITEURL; ?>"><?php i18n('BACK_TO_WEBSITE'); ?></a>   |   <a href="resetpassword.php"><?php i18n('FORGOT_PWD'); ?></a> »</p>
     			<div class="reqs" ><?php exec_action('login-reqs'); ?></div>
     <?php get_template('footer'); ?>

[top] / php / GetSimpleCMS-3.2.3 / admin / index.php

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