
[top] / php / GetSimpleCMS-3.2.3 / admin / inc / plugin_functions.php

     <?php if(!defined('IN_GS')){ die('you cannot load this page directly.'); }
      * Plugin Functions
      * @package GetSimple
      * @subpackage Plugin-Functions
     $plugins          = array();  // used for option names
     $plugins_info     = array();
     $filters          = array();
     $live_plugins     = array();  // used for enablie/disable functions
     $GS_scripts       = array();  // used for queing Scripts
     $GS_styles        = array();  // used for queing Styles
     // constants 
     if ($SITEURL==""){
     $GS_script_assets = array(); // defines asset scripts
     $GS_style_assets = array();  // defines asset styles
     $GS_asset_objects = array(); // holds asset js object names
     $GS_asset_objects['jquery'] = 'jQuery';
     $GS_asset_objects['jquery-ui'] = 'jQuery.ui'; 
     // jquery
     $jquery_ver    = '1.7.1';
     $jquery_ui_ver = '1.8.17';
     $GS_script_assets['jquery']['cdn']['url']      = '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/'.$jquery_ver.'/jquery.min.js';
     $GS_script_assets['jquery']['cdn']['ver']      = $jquery_ver;
     $GS_script_assets['jquery']['local']['url']    = $SITEURL.$GSADMIN.'/template/js/jquery.min.js';
     $GS_script_assets['jquery']['local']['ver']    = $jquery_ver;
     // jquery-ui
     $GS_script_assets['jquery-ui']['cdn']['url']   = '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/'.$jquery_ui_ver.'/jquery-ui.min.js';
     $GS_script_assets['jquery-ui']['cdn']['ver']   = $jquery_ui_ver;
     $GS_script_assets['jquery-ui']['local']['url'] = $SITEURL.$GSADMIN.'/template/js/jquery-ui.min.js';
     $GS_script_assets['jquery-ui']['local']['ver'] = $jquery_ui_ver;
     // misc
     $GS_script_assets['fancybox']['local']['url']  = $SITEURL.$GSADMIN.'/template/js/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.pack.js';
     $GS_script_assets['fancybox']['local']['ver']  = '2.0.4';
     $GS_style_assets['fancybox']['local']['url']   =  $SITEURL.$GSADMIN.'/template/js/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.css';
     $GS_style_assets['fancybox']['local']['ver']   = '2.0.4';
      * Register shared javascript/css scripts for loading into the header
     if (!getDef('GSNOCDN',true)){
     	register_script('jquery', $GS_script_assets['jquery']['cdn']['url'], $GS_script_assets['jquery']['cdn']['ver'], FALSE);
     } else {
     	register_script('jquery', $GS_script_assets['jquery']['local']['url'], $GS_script_assets['jquery']['local']['ver'], FALSE);
     register_script('fancybox', $GS_script_assets['fancybox']['local']['url'], $GS_script_assets['fancybox']['local']['ver'],FALSE);
     register_style('fancybox-css', $GS_style_assets['fancybox']['local']['url'], $GS_style_assets['fancybox']['local']['ver'], 'screen');
      * Queue our scripts and styles for the backend
     queue_script('jquery', GSBACK);
     queue_script('jquery-ui', GSBACK);
     queue_script('fancybox', GSBACK);
      * Include any plugins, depending on where the referring 
      * file that calls it we need to set the correct paths. 
     if (file_exists(GSPLUGINPATH)){
     	$pluginfiles = getFiles(GSPLUGINPATH);
     // Check if data\other\plugins.xml exists 
     if (!file_exists(GSDATAOTHERPATH."plugins.xml")){
     read_pluginsxml();        // get the live plugins into $live_plugins array
     if(!is_frontend()) create_pluginsxml();      // check that plugins have not been removed or added to the directory
     // load each of the plugins
     foreach ($live_plugins as $file=>$en) {
       # debugLog("plugin: $file" . " exists: " . file_exists(GSPLUGINPATH . $file) ." enabled: " . $en); 
       if ($en=='true' && file_exists(GSPLUGINPATH . $file)){
     	require_once(GSPLUGINPATH . $file);
       } else {
     	if(!is_frontend() and get_filename_id() == 'plugins'){
     	  $apiback = get_api_details('plugin', $file);
     	  $response = json_decode($apiback);
     	  if ($response and $response->status == 'successful') {
     		register_plugin( pathinfo_filename($file), $file, 'disabled', $response->owner, '', i18n_r('PLUGIN_DISABLED'), '', '');
     	  } else {
     		register_plugin( pathinfo_filename($file), $file, 'disabled', 'Unknown', '', i18n_r('PLUGIN_DISABLED'), '', '');
     	} else {
     		register_plugin( pathinfo_filename($file), $file, 'disabled', 'Unknown', '', i18n_r('PLUGIN_DISABLED'), '', '');
      * change_plugin
      * Enable/Disable a plugin
      * @since 2.04
      * @uses $live_plugins
      * @param $name
      * @param $active bool default=null, sets plugin active | inactive else toggle
     function change_plugin($name,$active=null){
       global $live_plugins;   
     	 if (isset($live_plugins[$name])){
     	  // set plugin active | inactive
     	  if(isset($active) and is_bool($active)) {
     		$live_plugins[$name] = $active ? 'true' : 'false';	  		
     	  // else we toggle
     	  if ($live_plugins[$name]=="true"){
     	  } else {
      * read_pluginsxml
      * Read in the plugins.xml file and populate the $live_plugins array
      * @since 2.04
      * @uses $live_plugins
     function read_pluginsxml(){
       global $live_plugins;   
       $data = getXML(GSDATAOTHERPATH . "plugins.xml");
       	$componentsec = $data->item;
     	  if (count($componentsec) != 0) {
     			foreach ($componentsec as $component) {
      * create_pluginsxml
      * If the plugins.xml file does not exists, read in each plugin 
      * and add it to the file. 
      * read_pluginsxml() is called again to repopulate $live_plugins
      * @since 2.04
      * @uses $live_plugins
     function create_pluginsxml($force=false){
       global $live_plugins;   
       if (file_exists(GSPLUGINPATH)){
     	$pluginfiles = getFiles(GSPLUGINPATH);
       $phpfiles = array();
       foreach ($pluginfiles as $fi) {
     	if (lowercase(pathinfo($fi, PATHINFO_EXTENSION))=='php') {
     	  $phpfiles[] = $fi;
       if (!$force) {
     	$livekeys = array_keys($live_plugins);
     	if (count(array_diff($livekeys, $phpfiles))>0 || count(array_diff($phpfiles, $livekeys))>0) {
     	  $force = true;
       if ($force) {
     	$xml = @new SimpleXMLExtended('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><channel></channel>'); 
     	foreach ($phpfiles as $fi) {
     	  $plugins = $xml->addChild('item');  
     	  $p_note = $plugins->addChild('plugin');
     	  $p_note = $plugins->addChild('enabled');
     	  if (isset($live_plugins[(string)$fi])){
     	  } else {
     	XMLsave($xml, GSDATAOTHERPATH."plugins.xml");  
      * Add Action
      * @since 2.0
      * @uses $plugins
      * @uses $live_plugins
      * @param string $hook_name
      * @param string $added_function
      * @param array $args
     function add_action($hook_name, $added_function, $args = array()) {
     	global $plugins;
     	global $live_plugins; 
     	$bt = debug_backtrace();
     	$shift=count($bt) - 4;	// plugin name should be  
     	$caller = array_shift($bt);
     	while ($shift > 0) {
     		 $caller = array_shift($bt);
     	$pathName= pathinfo_filename($caller['file']);
     	if ((isset ($live_plugins[$pathName.'.php']) && $live_plugins[$pathName.'.php']=='true') || $shift<0 ){
     		if ($realPathName!=$pathName) {
     		} else {
     		$plugins[] = array(
     			'hook' => $hook_name,
     			'function' => $added_function,
     			'args' => (array) $args,
     			'file' => $pathName.'.php',
     		'line' => $caller['line']
      * Execute Action
      * @since 2.0
      * @uses $plugins
      * @param string $a Name of hook to execute
     function exec_action($a) {
     	global $plugins;
     	foreach ($plugins as $hook)	{
     		if ($hook['hook'] == $a) {
     			call_user_func_array($hook['function'], $hook['args']);
      * Create Side Menu
      * This adds a side level link to a control panel's section
      * @since 2.0
      * @uses $plugins
      * @param string $id ID of the link you are adding
      * @param string $txt Text to add to tabbed link
     function createSideMenu($id, $txt, $action=null, $always=true){
       $current = false;
       if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] == $id && (!$action || isset($_GET[$action]))) {
     	$current = true;
       if ($always || $current) {
     	echo '<li id="sb_'.$id.'" class="plugin_sb"><a href="load.php?id='.$id.($action ? '&'.$action : '').'" '.($current ? 'class="current"' : '').' >'.$txt.'</a></li>';
      * Create Navigation Tab
      * This adds a top level tab to the control panel
      * @since 2.0
      * @uses $plugins
      * @param string $id Id of current page
      * @param string $txt Text to add to tabbed link
      * @param string $klass class to add to a element
     function createNavTab($tabname, $id, $txt, $action=null) {
       global $plugin_info;
       $current = false;
       if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'load.php') {
     	$plugin_id = @$_GET['id'];
     	if ($plugin_info[$plugin_id]['page_type'] == $tabname) $current = true;
       echo '<li id="nav_'.$id.'" class="plugin_tab"><a href="load.php?id='.$id.($action ? '&'.$action : '').'" '.($current ? 'class="current"' : '').' >'.$txt.'</a></li>';
      * Register Plugin
      * @since 2.0
      * @uses $plugin_info
      * @param string $id Unique ID of your plugin 
      * @param string $name Name of the plugin
      * @param string $ver Optional, default is null. 
      * @param string $auth Optional, default is null. 
      * @param string $auth_url Optional, default is null. 
      * @param string $desc Optional, default is null. 
      * @param string $type Optional, default is null. This is the page type your plugin is classifying itself
      * @param string $loaddata Optional, default is null. This is the function that run on load
     function register_plugin($id, $name, $ver=null, $auth=null, $auth_url=null, $desc=null, $type=null, $loaddata=null) {
     	global $plugin_info;
     	$plugin_info[$id] = array(
     	  'name' => $name,
     	  'version' => $ver,
     	  'author' => $auth,
     	  'author_url' => $auth_url,
     	  'description' => $desc,
     	  'page_type' => $type,
     	  'load_data' => $loaddata
      * Add Filter
      * @since 2.0
      * @uses $filters
      * @uses $live_plugins
      * @param string $id Id of current page
      * @param string $txt Text to add to tabbed link
     function add_filter($filter_name, $added_function) {
       global $filters;
       global $live_plugins;   
       $bt = debug_backtrace();
       $caller = array_shift($bt);
       $pathName= pathinfo_filename($caller['file']);
     	$filters[] = array(
     		'filter' => $filter_name,
     		'function' => $added_function
      * Execute Filter
      * Allows changing of the passed variable
      * @since 2.0
      * @uses $filters
      * @param string $script Filter name to execute
      * @param array $data
     function exec_filter($script,$data=array()) {
     	global $filters;
     	foreach ($filters as $filter)	{
     		if ($filter['filter'] == $script) {
     			$data = call_user_func_array($filter['function'], array($data));
     	return $data;
      * Register Script
      * Register a script to include in Themes
      * @since 3.1
      * @uses $GS_scripts
      * @param string $handle name for the script
      * @param string $src location of the src for loading
      * @param string $ver script version
      * @param boolean $in_footer load the script in the footer if true
     function register_script($handle, $src, $ver, $in_footer=FALSE){
     	global $GS_scripts;
     	$GS_scripts[$handle] = array(
     	  'name' => $handle,
     	  'src' => $src,
     	  'ver' => $ver,
     	  'in_footer' => $in_footer,
     	  'where' => 0
      * De-Register Script
      * Deregisters a script
      * @since 3.1
      * @uses $GS_scripts
      * @param string $handle name for the script to remove
     function deregister_script($handle){
     	global $GS_scripts;
     	if (array_key_exists($handle, $GS_scripts)){
      * Queue Script
      * Queue a script for loading
      * @since 3.1
      * @uses $GS_scripts
      * @param string $handle name for the script to load
     function queue_script($handle,$where){
     	global $GS_scripts;
     	if (array_key_exists($handle, $GS_scripts)){
     		$GS_scripts[$handle]['where']=$GS_scripts[$handle]['where'] | $where;
      * De-Queue Script
      * Remove a queued script
      * @since 3.1
      * @uses $GS_scripts
      * @param string $handle name for the script to load
     function dequeue_script($handle, $where){
     	global $GS_scripts;
     	if (array_key_exists($handle, $GS_scripts)){
     		$GS_scripts[$handle]['where']=$GS_scripts[$handle]['where'] & ~ $where;
      * Get Scripts
      * Echo and load scripts
      * @since 3.1
      * @uses $GS_scripts
      * @param boolean $footer Load only script with footer flag set
     function get_scripts_frontend($footer=FALSE){
     	global $GS_scripts;
     	if (!$footer){
     	foreach ($GS_scripts as $script){
     		if ($script['where'] & GSFRONT ){
     			if (!$footer){
     				if ($script['load']==TRUE && $script['in_footer']==FALSE ){
     					 echo '<script src="'.$script['src'].'?v='.$script['ver'].'"></script>';
     			} else {
     				if ($script['load']==TRUE && $script['in_footer']==TRUE ){
     					 echo '<script src="'.$script['src'].'?v='.$script['ver'].'"></script>';
      * Get Scripts
      * Echo and load scripts
      * @since 3.1
      * @uses $GS_scripts
      * @param boolean $footer Load only script with footer flag set
     function get_scripts_backend($footer=FALSE){
     	global $GS_scripts;
     	if (!$footer){
     	# debugLog($GS_scripts);
     	foreach ($GS_scripts as $script){
     		if ($script['where'] & GSBACK ){	
     			if (!$footer){
     				if ($script['load']==TRUE && $script['in_footer']==FALSE ){
     					 echo '<script src="'.$script['src'].'?v='.$script['ver'].'"></script>';
     			} else {
     				if ($script['load']==TRUE && $script['in_footer']==TRUE ){
     					 echo '<script src="'.$script['src'].'?v='.$script['ver'].'"></script>';
      * Add javascript for cdn fallback to local
      * get_scripts_backend helper
      * @param  array $script gsscript array
     function cdn_fallback($script){
     	GLOBAL $GS_script_assets, $GS_asset_objects;	
     	if (getDef('GSNOCDN',true)) return; // if nocdn skip
     	if($script['name'] == 'jquery' || $script['name'] == 'jquery-ui'){
     		echo "<script>";
     		echo "window.".$GS_asset_objects[$script['name']]." || ";
     		echo "document.write('<!-- CDN FALLING BACK --><script src=\"".$GS_script_assets[$script['name']]['local']['url'].'?v='.$GS_script_assets[$script['name']]['local']['ver']."\"><\/script>');";
     		echo "</script>";
      * Queue Style
      * Queue a Style for loading
      * @since 3.1
      * @uses $GS_styles
      * @param string $handle name for the Style to load
     function queue_style($handle,$where=1){
     	global $GS_styles;
     	if (array_key_exists($handle, $GS_styles)){
     		$GS_styles[$handle]['where']=$GS_styles[$handle]['where'] | $where;
      * De-Queue Style
      * Remove a queued Style
      * @since 3.1
      * @uses $GS_styles
      * @param string $handle name for the Style to load
     function dequeue_style($handle,$where){
     	global $GS_styles;
     	if (array_key_exists($handle, $GS_styles)){
     		$GS_styles[$handle]['where']=$GS_styles[$handle]['where'] & ~$where;
      * Register Style
      * Register a Style to include in Themes
      * @since 3.1
      * @uses $GS_scripts
      * @param string $handle name for the Style
      * @param string $src location of the src for loading
      * @param string $ver Style version
      * @param string $media load the Style in the footer if true
     function register_style($handle, $src, $ver, $media){
     	global $GS_styles;
     	$GS_styles[$handle] = array(
     	  'name' => $handle,
     	  'src' => $src,
     	  'ver' => $ver,
     	  'media' => $media,
     	  'where' => 0
      * Get Styles Frontend
      * Echo and load Styles in the Theme header
      * @since 3.1
      * @uses $GS_styles
     function get_styles_frontend(){
     	global $GS_styles;
     	foreach ($GS_styles as $style){
     		if ($style['where'] & GSFRONT ){
     				if ($style['load']==TRUE){
     				 echo '<link href="'.$style['src'].'?v='.$style['ver'].'" rel="stylesheet" media="'.$style['media'].'">';
      * Get Styles Backend
      * Echo and load Styles on Admin
      * @since 3.1
      * @uses $GS_styles
     function get_styles_backend(){
     	global $GS_styles;
     	foreach ($GS_styles as $style){
     		if ($style['where'] & GSBACK ){
     				if ($style['load']==TRUE){
     				 echo '<link href="'.$style['src'].'?v='.$style['ver'].'" rel="stylesheet" media="'.$style['media'].'">';

[top] / php / GetSimpleCMS-3.2.3 / admin / inc / plugin_functions.php

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