
[top] / php / GetSimpleCMS-3.2.3 / admin / inc / ajax.php

      * Display Available Themes
      * This file spits out a list of available themes to the control panel. 
      * This is provided thru an ajax call.
      * @package GetSimple
      * @subpackage Available-Themes
     // Include common.php
     // Make sure register globals don't make this hackable again.
     if (isset($TEMPLATE)) unset($TEMPLATE);
      * Sanitise first
      * @todo Maybe use Anti-XSS on this instead?
     if (isset($_GET['dir'])) {
             $TEMPLATE = '';
             $segments = explode('/',implode('/',explode('\\',$_GET['dir'])));
             foreach ($segments as $part) if ($part !== '..') $TEMPLATE .= $part.'/';
             $TEMPLATE = preg_replace('/\/+/','/',$TEMPLATE);
             if (strlen($TEMPLATE)<=0||$TEMPLATE=='/') unset($TEMPLATE);
     // Send back list of theme files from a certain directory for theme-edit.php
     if (isset($TEMPLATE)) {
             $TEMPLATE_FILE = ''; $template = ''; $theme_templates = '';
             if ($template == '') { $template = 'template.php'; }
     		if(!filepath_is_safe(GSTHEMESPATH . $TEMPLATE,GSTHEMESPATH)) die();
             $templates = directoryToArray(GSTHEMESPATH . $TEMPLATE . '/', true);
             $theme_templates .= '<select class="text" id="theme_files" style="width:425px;" name="f" >';
             foreach ($templates as $file) {
     		  if (in_array($extension, $allowed_extensions)){
     		  if ($TEMPLATE_FILE == $filename){ 
     		  } else { 
     		  if ($filename == 'template.php'){ 
     		  } else { 
     		  $theme_templates .= '<option '.$sel.' value="'.$templatename.'" >'.$templatename.'</option>';
             $theme_templates .= "</select>";
             echo $theme_templates;

[top] / php / GetSimpleCMS-3.2.3 / admin / inc / ajax.php

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