
[top] / java / tomcat / webapps / docs / config / globalresources.xml

     <?xml version="1.0"?>
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     <!DOCTYPE document [
       <!ENTITY project SYSTEM "project.xml">
     <document url="globalresources.html">
         <author email="remm@apache.org">Remy Maucherat</author>
         <author email="yoavs@apache.org">Yoav Shapira</author>
         <title>The GlobalNamingResources Component</title>
     <section name="Table of Contents">
     <section name="Introduction">
       <p>The <strong>GlobalNamingResources</strong> element defines the global
       JNDI resources for the <a href="server.html">Server</a>.</p>
       <p>These resources are listed in the server's global JNDI resource context.
        This context is distinct from the per-web-application JNDI contexts 
       described in
       the <a href="../jndi-resources-howto.html">JNDI Resources HOW-TO</a>.
       The resources defined in this element are <strong>not</strong> visible in
       the per-web-application contexts unless you explicitly link them with
       <a href="context.html#Resource Links"><ResourceLink></a> elements.
     <section name="Attributes">
     <section name="Nested Components">
     <section name="Special Features">
       <subsection name="Environment Entries">
       <p>You can configure named values that will be made visible to all
         web applications as environment entry resources by nesting
         <code><Environment></code> entries inside this element. For
         example, you can create an environment entry like this:</p>
     <GlobalNamingResources ...>
       <Environment name="maxExemptions" value="10"
              type="java.lang.Integer" override="false"/>
         <p>This is equivalent to the inclusion of the following element in the
         web application deployment descriptor (<code>/WEB-INF/web.xml</code>):
         <p>but does <em>not</em> require modification of the deployment descriptor
         to customize this value.</p>
         <p>The valid attributes for an <code><Environment></code> element
         are as follows:</p>
           <attribute name="description" required="false">
             <p>Optional, human-readable description of this environment entry.</p>
           <attribute name="name" required="true">
             <p>The name of the environment entry to be created, relative to the
             <code>java:comp/env</code> context.</p>
           <attribute name="override" required="false">
             <p>Set this to <code>false</code> if you do <strong>not</strong> want
             an <code><env-entry></code> for the same environment entry name,
             found in the web application deployment descriptor, to override the
             value specified here.  By default, overrides are allowed.</p>
           <attribute name="type" required="true">
             <p>The fully qualified Java class name expected by the web application
             for this environment entry.  Must be one of the legal values for
             <code><env-entry-type></code> in the web application deployment
             descriptor:  <code>java.lang.Boolean</code>,
             <code>java.lang.Byte</code>, <code>java.lang.Character</code>,
             <code>java.lang.Double</code>, <code>java.lang.Float</code>,
             <code>java.lang.Integer</code>, <code>java.lang.Long</code>,
             <code>java.lang.Short</code>, or <code>java.lang.String</code>.</p>
           <attribute name="value" required="true">
             <p>The parameter value that will be presented to the application
             when requested from the JNDI context.  This value must be convertable
             to the Java type defined by the <code>type</code> attribute.</p>
       <subsection name="Resource Definitions">
         <p>You can declare the characteristics of resources
         to be returned for JNDI lookups of <code><resource-ref></code> and
         <code><resource-env-ref></code> elements in the web application
         deployment descriptor by defining them in this element and then linking 
         them with <a href="context.html#Resource Links"><ResourceLink></a> 
         in the <code><strong><Context></strong></code> element.  
         You <strong>MUST</strong> also define any other needed parameters using
         attributes on the Resource element, to configure
         the object factory to be used (if not known to Tomcat already), and
         the properties used to configure that object factory.</p>
         <p>For example, you can create a resource definition like this:</p>
     <GlobalNamingResources ...>
       <Resource name="jdbc/EmployeeDB" auth="Container"
          description="Employees Database for HR Applications"/>
         <p>This is equivalent to the inclusion of the following element in the
         web application deployment descriptor (<code>/WEB-INF/web.xml</code>):</p>
       <description>Employees Database for HR Applications</description>
         <p>but does <em>not</em> require modification of the deployment
         descriptor to customize this value.</p>
         <p>The valid attributes for a <code><Resource></code> element
         are as follows:</p>
           <attribute name="auth" required="false">
             <p>Specify whether the web Application code signs on to the
             corresponding resource manager programmatically, or whether the
             Container will sign on to the resource manager on behalf of the
             application.  The value of this attribute must be
             <code>Application</code> or <code>Container</code>.  This
             attribute is <strong>required</strong> if the web application
             will use a <code><resource-ref></code> element in the web
             application deployment descriptor, but is optional if the
             application uses a <code><resource-env-ref></code> instead.</p>
           <attribute name="description" required="false">
             <p>Optional, human-readable description of this resource.</p>
           <attribute name="name" required="true">
             <p>The name of the resource to be created, relative to the
             <code>java:comp/env</code> context.</p>
           <attribute name="scope" required="false">
             <p>Specify whether connections obtained through this resource
             manager can be shared.  The value of this attribute must be
             <code>Shareable</code> or <code>Unshareable</code>.  By default,
             connections are assumed to be shareable.</p>
           <attribute name="type" required="true">
             <p>The fully qualified Java class name expected by the web
             application when it performs a lookup for this resource.</p>
       <subsection name="Resource Links">
         <p>Use <a href="context.html#Resource Links"><ResourceLink></a> 
         elements to link resources from the global context into 
         per-web-application contexts. Here is an example of making a custom 
         factory available to an application, based on the example definition in the 
         <a href="../jndi-resources-howto.html#Generic JavaBean Resources">
         JNDI Resource HOW-TO</a>:
       <subsection name="Transaction">
         <p>You can declare the characteristics of the UserTransaction
         to be returned for JNDI lookup for <code>java:comp/UserTransaction</code>. 
         You <strong>MUST</strong> define an object factory class to instantiate
         this object as well as the needed resource parameters as attributes of the 
         element, and the properties used to configure that object factory.</p>
         <p>The valid attributes for the <code><Transaction></code> element
         are as follows:</p>
           <attribute name="factory" required="true">
             <p>The class name for the JNDI object factory.</p>

[top] / java / tomcat / webapps / docs / config / globalresources.xml

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