
[top] / java / jaxws / 2.0 / samples / mtom / Readme.txt

     mtom sample demonstrates the use of MTOM/XOP for effciently serializing binary 
     XML content.
     Normally, data of xml type xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary is inlined in the 
     SOAP message. With MTOM/XOP encoding, such data is encoded and transmitted as 
     optimized packages(sending the encoded binary data as attachments and still 
     making it part of XML infoset by referencing them in the message). This 
     encoding (if the binary data is inlined or sent as attachments) is transparent 
     to the user.
     Enabling MTOM in JAX-WS:
     By default MTOM encoding is disabled. One can enable MTOM on client-side by
     passing javax.xml.ws.MTOMFeature while creating the proxy.
     See javax.xml.ws.Service#getPort(Class<T> serviceEndpointInterface,WebServiceFeature... features)
     for more information on enabling/disabling Web Service features.
     Similarly, one can pass MTOMFeature while creating Dispatch client to enable MTOM.
     One the server-side, MTOM is enabled by using @javax.xml.ws.soap.MTOM on
     the endpoint implementation class.
     Mapping XML binary data to Java types:
     Normally XML binary types are mapped to Java byte[]. But using 
     xmime:expectedContentTypes attribute, one can specify the content type 
     associated with the binary data, that can be used for static type mapping by 
     the data binding framework(JAXB in this case).
     * It has the follwoing operations
     There are 2 operations. The abstract definition of schema element data is
     annotated with xmime:expectedCotentTypes to demonstrates the corresponding
     mapping of it in the generated SEI on the client side.
         * upload - this operation uploads an Image to the endpoint using MTOM
         * doanload - this operation downloads binary data using MTOM in streaming
     * etc - configuration files
         * mtomsample.wsdl wsdl file
         * deploy-targets.xml ant script to deploy the endpoint
           war file
         * sun-jaxws.xml deployment descriptor for web container
     * src source files
         * client/MtomApp.java - client application
         * server/MtomSampleImpl.java - server implementation
     * wsimport ant task is run to compile etc/MtomSample.wsdl
         * generates
           SEI - MtomSample
           service class - MtomService
           and other classes representing the Java beans for the schema constructs 
           used for request/response.
     * To run
         * set JAXWS_HOME to the JAX-WS installation directory
         * ant clean server - runs wsimport to compile hello.wsdl and generate
           server side artifacts and does the deployment
         * ant clean client run - runs wsimport on the published wsdl by the deployed
           endpoint, compiles the generated artifacts and the client application
           then executes it.
     * Prerequisite
     Refer to the Prerequisites defined in samples/docs/index.html. 
     We appreciate your feedback, please send it to users@jax-ws.dev.java.net.

[top] / java / jaxws / 2.0 / samples / mtom / Readme.txt

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