
[top] / java / jaxws / 2.0 / samples / mime-large / Readme.txt

     mime sample demonstrates the WSDL Mime binding for specifying attachments in 
     the wsdl description and its mapping to Java types. One can use the following 
     to describe attachments in a wsdl.
         * mime:content a binding construct to indicate the message part is bound to 
           an attachment
         * wsiap:swaRef a schema construct defined by WS-I Attachment Profile 1.0 to 
           indicate a reference to an attachment in the message
     JAXB defines mapping of MIME types and Java types, and wsiap:swaRef. JAX-WS 
     defines mapping of mime:conent to Java types.
     One can use customization to enable or disable default mime:content mapping 
     rules by using jaxws:enableMIMEContent binding declaration. Notice that, 
     custom-client.xml and custom-server.xml use this customization to 
     enable/disable mime:content mapping. This sample also shows how one can use 
     wsiap:swaRef to refer to an attachment in the message.
     * It has the follwoing operations
         * echoData - enableMIMEContent is false
         * echoDataWithEnableMIMEContent - enableMIMEContent is false
         * detail - Mapping of XML schema element to javax.xml.transform.Source
         * claimForm - wsiap:swaRef example
     * etc - configuration files
         * hello.wsdl wsdl file
         * custom-client.xml client customization file
         * custom-server.xml server customization file
         * build.properties, deploy-targets.xml ant script to deploy the endpoint
           war file
         * sun-jaxws.xml deployment descriptor for web container
     * src source files
         * client/MimeApp.java - client application
         * client/AttachmentHelper - utility class for handling attachments.
         * server/HelloImpl.java - server implementation
     * wsimport ant task is run to compile etc/AddNumbers.wsdl
         * generates
           SEI - Hello
           service class - HelloService
           and other classes representing the Java beans for the schema constructs 
           used for request/response.
     * To run
         * set JAXWS_HOME to the JAX-WS installation directory
         * ant clean server - runs wsimport to compile hello.wsdl and generate
           server side artifacts and does the deployment
         * ant clean client run - runs wsimport on the published wsdl by the deployed
           endpoint, compiles the generated artifacts and the client application
           then executes it.
         * This sample imports a remote schema. If you are running this sample from
           behind a firewall you need to provide the proxy server information. Simply
           scroll down to the bottom of build.xml file and uncomment the <setproxy.../>
           element and provide your proxy server information and then do 'ant run'.
     * Prerequisite
     Refer to the Prerequisites defined in samples/docs/index.html.
     We appreciate your feedback, please send it to users@jax-ws.dev.java.net.

[top] / java / jaxws / 2.0 / samples / mime-large / Readme.txt

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