
[top] / java / jaxws / 2.0 / samples / fromjavahandler / Readme.txt

     fromjavahandler sample demonstrates the use of handlers while using
     the Java->WSDL programming model.
     * The service class has one method:
         * addNumbers() that takes two integers and returns an integer
     * etc - configuration files
         * custom-client.xml client customization file
         * custom-schema.xml client customization file for schema objects
         * build.properties, deploy-targets.xml ant script to deploy the endpoint
           war file
         * sun-jaxws.xml deployment descriptor for web container
     * src source files
         * client/AddNumbersClient.java - client application
         * server/AddNumberImpl.java - server implementation
         * server/AddNumberException.java - server implementation
         * common/LoggingHandler.java - handler used to log messages
     * annotationProcessing ant task is run to compile AddNumbersImpl and create server
       objects used during deployment and runtime.
     * For the server handler, the AddNumbersImpl class includes a HandlerChain
       annotation that points to a handler configuration file called handlers.xml.
       This file describes a handler chain containing one handler of type
       fromjavahandler.common.LoggingHandler. When the service is deployed,
       this handler is instantiated and added to the service.
     * For the client handler, the customization file custom-client.xml
       includes an extra <bindings> element containing a handler chain
       description. The schema for the <handler-chains> element is the same
       for both handler chain files (on the server) and customization files.
     * To run
         * set JAXWS_HOME to the JAX-WS installation directory
         * ant clean server - runs annotation processing to generate server side artifacts and
           does the deployment
         * ant clean client run - runs wsimport on the published wsdl by the deplyed
           endpoint, compiles the generated artifacts and the client application
           then executes it.
     * Prerequisite
     Refer to the Prerequisites defined in samples/docs/index.html.
     We appreciate your feedback, please send it to users@jax-ws.dev.java.net.

[top] / java / jaxws / 2.0 / samples / fromjavahandler / Readme.txt

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