
[top] / python / PyMOTW / sqlite3 / sqlite3_create_function.py

     #!/usr/bin/env python
     # encoding: utf-8
     # Copyright (c) 2010 Doug Hellmann.  All rights reserved.
     """Creating functions to run in SQL statements.
     import sqlite3
     db_filename = 'todo.db'
     def encrypt(s):
         print 'Encrypting %r' % s
         return s.encode('rot-13')
     def decrypt(s):
         print 'Decrypting %r' % s
         return s.encode('rot-13')
     with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn:
         conn.create_function('encrypt', 1, encrypt)
         conn.create_function('decrypt', 1, decrypt)
         cursor = conn.cursor()
         # Raw values
         print 'Original values:'
         query = "select id, details from task"
         for row in cursor.fetchall():
             print row
         print '\nEncrypting...'
         query = "update task set details = encrypt(details)"
         print '\nRaw encrypted values:'
         query = "select id, details from task"
         for row in cursor.fetchall():
             print row
         print '\nDecrypting in query...'
         query = "select id, decrypt(details) from task"
         for row in cursor.fetchall():
             print row

[top] / python / PyMOTW / sqlite3 / sqlite3_create_function.py

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