
[top] / python / PyMOTW / pwd / index.rst

     pwd -- Unix Password Database
     .. module:: pwd
         :synopsis: Unix Password Database
     :Purpose: Read user data from Unix password database.
     :Python Version: 1.4 and later
     The pwd module can be used to read user information from the Unix
     password database (usually ``/etc/passwd``).  The read-only interface
     returns tuple-like objects with named attributes for the standard
     fields of a password record.
     ===== ========= =======
     Index Attribute Meaning
     ===== ========= =======
      0    pw_name   The user's login name
      1    pw_passwd Encrypted password (optional)
      2    pw_uid    User id (integer)
      3    pw_gid    Group id (integer)
      4    pw_gecos  Comment/full name
      5    pw_dir    Home directory
      6    pw_shell  Application started on login, usually a command interpreter
     ===== ========= =======
     Querying All Users
     Suppose you need to print a report of all of the "real" users on a
     system, including their home directories (for our purposes, "real" is
     defined as having a name not starting with "``_``").  To load the
     entire password database, you would use ``getpwall()``.  The return
     value is a list with an undefined order, so you will need to sort it
     before printing the report.
     .. include:: pwd_getpwall.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     Most of the example code above deals with formatting the results
     nicely.  The ``for`` loop at the end shows how to access fields from
     the records by name.
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pwd_getpwall.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python pwd_getpwall.py
     	User        UID Home Dir          Description
     	---------- ---- ----------------- ------------------------------
     	daemon        1 /var/root         System Services
     	dhellmann   527 /Users/dhellmann  Doug Hellmann
     	nobody     4294967294 /var/empty        Unprivileged User
     	root          0 /var/root         System Administrator
     .. {{{end}}}
     Querying User By Name
     If you need information about one user, it is not necessary to read
     the entire password database.  Using ``getpwnam()``, you can retrieve
     the information about a user by name.
     .. include:: pwd_getpwnam.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     The passwords on my system are stored outside of the main user
     database in a shadow file, so the password field, when set, is
     reported as all ``*``.
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pwd_getpwnam.py dhellmann'))
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pwd_getpwnam.py nobody', include_prefix=False))
     .. }}}
     	$ python pwd_getpwnam.py dhellmann
     	Username: dhellmann
     	Password: ********
     	Comment : Doug Hellmann
     	UID/GID : 527 / 501
     	Home    : /Users/dhellmann
     	Shell   : /bin/bash
     	$ python pwd_getpwnam.py nobody
     	Username: nobody
     	Password: *
     	Comment : Unprivileged User
     	UID/GID : 4294967294 / 4294967294
     	Home    : /var/empty
     	Shell   : /usr/bin/false
     .. {{{end}}}
     Querying User By UID
     It is also possible to look up a user by their numerical user id.
     This is useful to find the owner of a file:
     .. include:: pwd_getpwuid_fileowner.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pwd_getpwuid_fileowner.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python pwd_getpwuid_fileowner.py
     	pwd_getpwuid_fileowner.py is owned by dhellmann (527)
     .. {{{end}}}
     The numeric user id is can also be used to find information about the
     user currently running a process:
     .. include:: pwd_getpwuid_process.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. {{{cog
     .. cog.out(run_script(cog.inFile, 'pwd_getpwuid_process.py'))
     .. }}}
     	$ python pwd_getpwuid_process.py
     	Currently running with UID=527 username=dhellmann
     .. {{{end}}}
     .. seealso::
         `pwd <http://docs.python.org/library/pwd.html>`_
             The standard library documentation for this module.
             Secure password database access for systems using shadow passwords.
             The :mod:`grp` module reads Unix group information.

[top] / python / PyMOTW / pwd / index.rst

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