
[top] / python / PyMOTW / multiprocessing / multiprocessing_mapreduce.py

     #!/usr/bin/env python
     # encoding: utf-8
     # Copyright (c) 2009 Doug Hellmann All rights reserved.
     import collections
     import itertools
     import multiprocessing
     class SimpleMapReduce(object):
         def __init__(self, map_func, reduce_func, num_workers=None):
               Function to map inputs to intermediate data. Takes as
               argument one input value and returns a tuple with the key
               and a value to be reduced.
               Function to reduce partitioned version of intermediate data
               to final output. Takes as argument a key as produced by
               map_func and a sequence of the values associated with that
               The number of workers to create in the pool. Defaults to the
               number of CPUs available on the current host.
             self.map_func = map_func
             self.reduce_func = reduce_func
             self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_workers)
         def partition(self, mapped_values):
             """Organize the mapped values by their key.
             Returns an unsorted sequence of tuples with a key and a sequence of values.
             partitioned_data = collections.defaultdict(list)
             for key, value in mapped_values:
             return partitioned_data.items()
         def __call__(self, inputs, chunksize=1):
             """Process the inputs through the map and reduce functions given.
               An iterable containing the input data to be processed.
               The portion of the input data to hand to each worker.  This
               can be used to tune performance during the mapping phase.
             map_responses = self.pool.map(self.map_func, inputs, chunksize=chunksize)
             partitioned_data = self.partition(itertools.chain(*map_responses))
             reduced_values = self.pool.map(self.reduce_func, partitioned_data)
             return reduced_values

[top] / python / PyMOTW / multiprocessing / multiprocessing_mapreduce.py

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