
[top] / python / PyMOTW / grp / grp_getgrall.py

     #!/usr/bin/env python
     # encoding: utf-8
     # Copyright (c) 2009 Doug Hellmann All rights reserved.
     __version__ = "$Id$"
     import grp
     import operator
     # Load all of the user data, sorted by username
     all_groups = grp.getgrall()
     interesting_groups = sorted((g 
                                 for g in all_groups 
                                 if not g.gr_name.startswith('_')),
     # Find the longest length for the name
     name_length = max(len(g.gr_name) for g in interesting_groups) + 1
     # Print report headers
     fmt = '%-*s %4s %10s %s'
     print fmt % (name_length, 'Name', 
     print '-' * name_length, '----', '-' * 10, '-' * 30
     # Print the data
     for g in interesting_groups:
         print fmt % (name_length, g.gr_name, 
                      ', '.join(g.gr_mem))

[top] / python / PyMOTW / grp / grp_getgrall.py

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