
[top] / python / PyMOTW / EasyDialogs / index.rst

     EasyDialogs -- Carbon dialogs for Mac OS X
     .. module:: EasyDialogs
         :synopsis: Provides simple interfaces to Carbon dialogs from Python.
     :Purpose: Provides simple interfaces to Carbon dialogs from Python.
     :Python Version: At least 2.0, Macintosh-only (see References below for a Windows implementation)
     The EasyDialogs module includes classes and functions for working with
     simple message and prompt dialogs, as well as stock dialogs for
     querying the user for file or directory names. The dialogs use the
     Carbon API. See Apple's `Navigation Services Reference`_ for more
     details about some of the options not covered in detail here.
     A simple Message function displays modal dialog containing a text message for
     the user.
     .. include:: EasyDialogs_Message.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. image:: MessageDialog.png
     It is easy to change the label of the "OK" button using the ``ok``
     .. include:: EasyDialogs_Message_ok.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. image:: MessageDialog_continue.png
     The ProgressBar class manages a modeless dialog with a progress meter. It can
     operate in determinate (when you know how much work there is to be done) or
     indeterminate (when you want to show that your app is working, but do not know
     how much work needs to be done) modes. The constructor takes arguments for the
     dialog title, the maximum value, and a label to describe the current phase of
     In determinate mode, set the maxval argument to the number of steps, amount of
     data to download, etc. Then use the incr() method to step the progress from 0
     to maxval.
     .. include:: EasyDialogs_ProgressBar.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. image:: ProgressBar_partial.png
         $ python EasyDialogs_ProgressBar.py 
         Phase 1
         Phase 2
         Phase 3
         Phase 4
         Phase 5
         Phase 6
         Phase 7
         Phase 8
         Phase 9
         Phase 10
         Done with loop
     .. image:: ProgressBar_complete.png
         The dialog should be gone now
     Explicitly deleting the ProgressBar instance using ``del`` removes it
     from the screen.
     If you are measuring progress in uneven steps, use ``set()`` to change
     the progress meter instead of ``incr()``.
     .. include:: EasyDialogs_ProgressBar_set.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. image:: ProgressBar_set_partial.png
     Simple Prompts
     EasyDialogs also lets you ask the user for information. Use AskString to
     display a modal dialog to prompt the user for a simple string.
     .. include:: EasyDialogs_AskString.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. image:: AskString.png
     The return value depends on the user's response. It is either the text they
         $ python EasyDialogs_AskString.py
         RESPONSE: blue
     or None if they press the Cancel button.
         $ python EasyDialogs_AskString.py
         RESPONSE: None
     The string response has a length limit of 254 characters. If the value entered
     is longer than that, it is truncated.
     .. include:: EasyDialogs_AskString_too_long.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. image:: AskString_too_long.png
         $ python EasyDialogs_AskString_too_long.py
         len(default)= 520
         len(response)= 254
     Use AskPassword to prompt the user for secret values that should not be echoed
     back to the screen in clear-text.
     .. include:: EasyDialogs_AskPassword.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. image:: AskPassword.png
         $ python EasyDialogs_AskPassword.py
         Shh!: s3cr3t
     The Ok/Cancel behavior for AskPassword is the same as AskString.
     Files and Directories
     There are special functions for requesting file or directory names. These use
     the native file selector dialogs, so the user does not have to type in the
     paths. For example, to ask the user which file to open, use AskFileForOpen.
     .. include:: EasyDialogs_AskFileForOpen.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     The wanted=unicode argument tells AskFileForOpen to return the name of the
     file as a unicode string. The other possible return types include ASCII
     string, and some Apple data structures for working with file references. 
     By specifing defaultLocation, this example initializes the dialog to the
     current working directory. The user is still free to navigate around the
     Other options to AskFileForOpen let you filter the values displayed, control
     the type codes of files visible to the user, and interact with the dialog
     through callbacks. Refer to the module documentation and Apple's reference
     guide for more details.
     .. image:: AskForFileOpen.png
         $ python EasyDialogs_AskFileForOpen.py
         Selected: /Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/EasyDialogs/EasyDialogs_AskFileForOpen.py
     To prompt the user to provide a new filename when saving a file, use
     .. include:: EasyDialogs_AskFileForSave.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. image:: AskFileForSave.png
         $ python EasyDialogs_AskFileForSave.py
         Selected: /Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/EasyDialogs/new_file.py
     If you need the user to select a directory, existing or new, use AskFolder.
     The dialog includes a button to let them create a new folder.
     .. include:: EasyDialogs_AskFolder.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. image:: AskFolder.png
         $ python EasyDialogs_AskFolder.py
         Selected: /Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/EasyDialogs
     An unusually complex dialog, GetArgv lets the user build a command line string
     by selecting options from menus. It uses a variation of the getopt syntax to
     describe the valid options, and returns a list of strings that can be parsed
     by getopt. In my research this week, I found some scripts that use GetArgv if
     the user does not specify arguments on the command line.
     Let's look at an example that builds a command using the options supported by
     the Python interpreter.
     .. include:: EasyDialogs_GetArgv.py
         :start-after: #end_pymotw_header
     .. image:: GetArgv_1.png
     The first argument is a list of tuples containing the option specifier and a
     text description. The specifier can contain a single letter for simple boolean
     switches; a letter followed by colon (":") or equals sign ("=") for single
     letter options that take an argument; several letters for long-form switches
     ("opt" translates to "--opt"); or several letters followed by colon or equal
     sign for long options taking an argument. The option description is a string
     displayed in the dialog.
     .. image:: GetArgv_2.png
     The dialog is divided into 4 sections. At the top is the list of options you
     specified. The user can select an option from the list. If the option takes an
     argument, a text field is displayed so the user can provide a value. The Add
     button inserts the selected option into the command line field at the bottom
     of the dialog.
     .. image:: GetArgv_3.png
     The second argument to GetArgv is a list of commands and descriptions. The
     user can select a command to be included in the argument list from the menu in
     the middle of the dialog.
     .. image:: GetArgv_4.png
     The arguments addoldfile, addnewfile, and addfolder control the sensitivity of
     the buttons in the third section of the dialog. In this example, only the Add
     file... button is enabled because the Python interpreter does not take
     directories or missing files as arguments.
     At the bottom of the dialog is the command line being constructed by the user.
     When they press OK, GetArgv returns a list of all of the options that looks
     like sys.argv.
         $ python EasyDialogs_GetArgv.py
         ['python', '-d', '-v', '/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/EasyDialogs/EasyDialogs_GetArgv.py']
     .. seealso::
         `EasyDialogs <http://docs.python.org/library/easydialogs.html>`_
             The standard library documentation for this module.
         `Navigation Services Reference`_
             Documentation for Apple's API for working with file objects under Mac OS X.
         `EasyDialogs for Windows <http://www.averdevelopment.com/python/EasyDialogs.html>`_
             A version of this module that runs under Windows.
         `optparse-gui <http://code.google.com/p/optparse-gui/>`_
             A replacement for GetArgv that works with :mod:`optparse` instead.
         `EasyGui <http://easygui.sourceforge.net/>`_
             A similar portable library for creating simple graphical user interfaces.
     .. _Navigation Services Reference: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Carbon/Reference/Navigation_Services_Ref/Reference/reference.html

[top] / python / PyMOTW / EasyDialogs / index.rst

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