
[top] / php / GetSimpleCMS-3.2.3 / admin / filebrowser.php

      * Basic File Browser for CKEditor
      * Displays and selects file link to insert into CKEditor
      * @package GetSimple
      * @subpackage Files
      * Version: 1.1 (2011-03-12)
     // Setup inclusions
     $path = (isset($_GET['path'])) ? "../data/uploads/".$_GET['path'] : "../data/uploads/";
     $subPath = (isset($_GET['path'])) ? $_GET['path'] : "";
     if(!path_is_safe($path,GSDATAUPLOADPATH)) die();
     $returnid = isset($_GET['returnid']) ? var_out($_GET['returnid']) : "";
     $func = (isset($_GET['func'])) ? $_GET['func'] : "";
     $path = tsl($path);
     // check if host uses Linux (used for displaying permissions
     $isUnixHost = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN' ? false : true);
     $CKEditorFuncNum = isset($_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']) ? var_out($_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']) : '';
     $sitepath = suggest_site_path();
     $fullPath = $sitepath . "data/uploads/";
     $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? var_out($_GET['type']) : '';
     global $LANG;
     $LANG_header = preg_replace('/(?:(?<=([a-z]{2}))).*/', '', $LANG);
     <!DOCTYPE html>
     <html lang="<?php echo $LANG_header; ?>">
     	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"  />
     	<title><?php echo i18n_r('FILE_BROWSER'); ?></title>
     	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.png" type="image/x-icon" />
     	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="template/style.php?v=<?php echo GSVERSION; ?>" media="screen" />
     		.wrapper, #maincontent, #imageTable { width: 100% }
     	<script type='text/javascript'>	
     	function submitLink($funcNum, $url) {
             <?php if (isset($_GET['returnid'])){ ?>
                 	window.opener.document.getElementById('<?php echo $returnid; ?>').focus();
                     window.opener.document.getElementById('<?php echo $returnid; ?>').value=$url;
     			if (isset($_GET['func'])){
     			$func = @$_GET['func'];
     					if(typeof window.opener.<?php echo $func; ?> == 'function') {
     						window.opener.<?php echo $func; ?>('<?php echo $returnid; ?>');
     		 else { ?>
                     window.opener.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction($funcNum, $url);
             <?php } ?>
     <body id="filebrowser" >	
      <div class="wrapper">
       <div id="maincontent">
     	<div class="main" style="border:none;">
     		<h3><?php echo i18n('UPLOADED_FILES'); ?><span id="filetypetoggle">  /  <?php echo ($type == 'images' ? i18n('IMAGES') : i18n('SHOW_ALL') ); ?></span></h3>
     	$counter = "0";
     	$totalsize = 0;
     	$filesArray = array();
     	$dirsArray = array();
     	$filenames = getFiles($path);
     	if (count($filenames) != 0) { 
     		foreach ($filenames as $file) {
     			if ($file == "." || $file == ".." || $file == ".htaccess" ){
     			// not a upload file
     			} elseif (is_dir($path . $file)) {
     			$dirsArray[$dircount]['name'] = $file;
     			} else {
     				$filesArray[$count]['name'] = $file;
     				$ext = substr($file, strrpos($file, '.') + 1);
     				$extention = get_FileType($ext);
     				$filesArray[$count]['type'] = $extention;
     				$ss = @stat($path . $file);
     				$filesArray[$count]['date'] = @date('M j, Y',$ss['ctime']);
     				$filesArray[$count]['size'] = fSize($ss['size']);
     				$totalsize = $totalsize + $ss['size'];
     		$filesSorted = subval_sort($filesArray,'name');
     		$dirsSorted = subval_sort($dirsArray,'name');
     	echo '<div class="h5">/ <a href="?CKEditorFuncNum='.$CKEditorFuncNum.'&type='.$type.'">uploads</a> / ';
     	foreach ($pathParts as $pathPart){
     		if ($pathPart!=''){
     			echo '<a href="?path='.$urlPath.'&CKEditorFuncNum='.$CKEditorFuncNum.'&type='.$type.'&func='.$func.'">'.$pathPart.'</a> / ';
     	echo "</div>";
     	echo '<table class="highlight" id="imageTable">';
     	if (count($dirsSorted) != 0) {       
     		foreach ($dirsSorted as $upload) {
     			echo '<tr class="All" >';  
     			echo '<td class="" colspan="5">';
     			$adm = substr($path . $upload['name'] ,  16); 
     			if ($returnid!='') {
     				$returnlink = '&returnid='.$returnid;
     			} else {
     			if ($func!='') {
     				$funct = '&func='.$func;
     			} else {
     			echo '<img src="template/images/folder.png" width="11" /> <a href="filebrowser.php?path='.$adm.'&CKEditorFuncNum='.$CKEditorFuncNum.'&type='.$type.$returnlink.'&'.$funct.'" title="'. $upload['name'] .'"  ><strong>'.$upload['name'].'</strong></a>';
     			echo '</td>';
     			echo '</tr>';
     	if (count($filesSorted) != 0) { 			
     		foreach ($filesSorted as $upload) {
     			$upload['name'] = rawurlencode($upload['name']);
     			$thumb = null; $thumbnailLink = null;
     			$subDir = ($subPath == '' ? '' : $subPath.'/');
     			$selectLink = 'title="'.i18n_r('SELECT_FILE').': '. htmlspecialchars($upload['name']) .'" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="submitLink('.$CKEditorFuncNum.',\''.$fullPath.$subDir.$upload['name'].'\')"';
     			if ($type == 'images') {
     				if ($upload['type'] == i18n_r('IMAGES') .' Images') {
     					# get internal thumbnail to show beside link in table
     					$thumb = '<td class="imgthumb" style="display:table-cell" >';
     					$thumbLink = $urlPath.'thumbsm.'.$upload['name'];
     					if (file_exists('../data/thumbs/'.$thumbLink)) {
     						$imgSrc='<img src="../data/thumbs/'. $thumbLink .'" />';
     					} else {
     						$imgSrc='<img src="inc/thumb.php?src='. $urlPath . $upload['name'] .'&dest='. $thumbLink .'&x=65&f=1" />';
     					$thumb .= '<a '.$selectLink.' >'.$imgSrc.'</a>';
     					$thumb .= '</td>';
     					# get external thumbnail link
     					$thumbLinkExternal = 'data/thumbs/'.$urlPath.'thumbnail.'.$upload['name'];
     					if (file_exists('../'.$thumbLinkExternal)) {
     					$thumbnailLink = '<span> –  </span><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="submitLink('.$CKEditorFuncNum.',\''.$sitepath.$thumbLinkExternal.'\')">'.i18n_r('THUMBNAIL').'</a>';
     				else { continue; }
     			echo '<tr class="All '.$upload['type'].'" >';
     			echo ($thumb=='' ? '<td style="display: none"></td>' : $thumb);
     			echo '<td><a '.$selectLink.' class="primarylink">'.htmlspecialchars($upload['name']) .'</a>'.$thumbnailLink.'</td>';
     			echo '<td style="width:80px;text-align:right;" ><span>'. $upload['size'] .'</span></td>';
     			// get the file permissions.
     			if ($isUnixHost && isDebug() && function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
     				$filePerms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($path.$upload['name'])), -4);
     				$fileOwner = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($path.$upload['name']));
     				echo '<td style="width:70px;text-align:right;"><span>'.$fileOwner['name'].'/'.$filePerms.'</span></td>';
     			echo '<td style="width:85px;text-align:right;" ><span>'. shtDate($upload['date']) .'</span></td>';
     			echo '</tr>';
     	echo '</table>';
     	echo '<p><em><b>'. $counter .'</b> '.i18n_r('TOTAL_FILES').' ('. fSize($totalsize) .')</em></p>';

[top] / php / GetSimpleCMS-3.2.3 / admin / filebrowser.php

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