
[top] / java / bcel / README.txt

     Running a console based verifier
        java org.apache.bcel.verifier.Verifier fully.qualified.class.Name
      lets JustIce work standalone.
      If you get a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError", you should increase the
      maximum Java heap space. A command like
        java -Xmx1887436800 org.apache.bcel.verifier.Verifier f.q.c.Name
      will usually resolve the problem. The value above is suitable for
      big server machines; if your machine starts swapping to disk, try
      to lower the value.
     Running a graphics based verifier
      If you prefer a graphical application, you should use a command like
        java org.apache.bcel.verifier.GraphicalVerifier
      to launch one. Again, you may have to resolve a memory issue depending
      on the classes to verify.
      If you spot a bug in the BCEL or its accompanying verifier "JustIce" please
      check with the BCEL mailing list
      or enter the issue into the BCEL bug database

[top] / java / bcel / README.txt

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